Sunday 16 December 2012


I am so happy! I'm home! And there's snow!
Joyous times!

So this first picture is what waved goodbye to me in London. Can't say I'll miss it.

And this one is what welcomed me home <3 Now THAT was magnificent. I was like a little child sitting on that plane. "Can we go out now? I wanna go out! Let me play in the snooooow!" And so on. As you do.

I soon also found out I had been so fortunate that I would miss my plane due to baggage claims and fuel. But thankfully I was given 150 kr to buy some food! That helped a lot on my mood. After not having slept that night, I was pretty close to weeping in the middle of the airport. Not that I did. But that food perked me right back up. Thank you air plane-lady.

This met me when I got home! <3 Mum! Snow! Joy!


Really hoping for a white Christmas this year. 

Saturday 1 December 2012

Chillosaurus Rex

Assessment times are upon us.
It's actually mad that time has gone so fast!
I can't believe I only have 1 and a half year left here in Britain.... It's so sad to think about...!

So let's not! It's advent! Yay! Happiness and joyous times, indeed! 
I've found Amalies Jul (Amalie's Christmas), a TV-advent calendar from when I was a kid, so I decided to watch that every day this Christmas...
I got so eager I found some more TV-calendars as well, because I don't know when to stop... ALL THE KIDS TV! YEAH! I love it. Christmas is so awesome.

They have snow back home. I am well jealous, innit.

I've demanded people to send me pictures... It's gorgeous! Beautiful! Magnificent! I love it!

It's Christmas! Thank you Stina for sending me pictures! And mum. Yay!
Can't wait to go home now, to see friends and family and stuff. Yay! Merry Christmas! Have a lovely advent-time!