I've been playing Minecraft a lot this Christmas, and a little bit throughout this year so far. So my world has changed a little bit since the last time I showed off my single player world.
I love showing off my shit.
I'm like a child proudly showing my parents a really shit drawing I spent hours on and it still ended up looking like a sheep with a gout.
It's really hard to make squiggles in Minecraft though.
I think evolution is fun. Well, I mean the evolution of something you create. Well evolution in the original sense of the word is interesting too, of course, but I am trying to say that "hey, it's cool to see how the world changes, even though it might not change all that much." Phew. There we go.
I updated the enchanting room a little bit. Not sure if I want to add bookshelves into the spaces where the sandstone is, so you get the dip-in effect, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there... Bookshelves are expensive, yo! (I just said "yo"... Hello early teens.)
So this one is new. Basically straight after I posted the second Minecraft post, I started building this fort. I decided that "Hey, I'm fed up with my cabin and I need to find some new chunks, because this Early-Beta (still gutted that my Alpha world has disappeared into the nothingness. It was such a cool place! But when I think about it, I don't think it actually was THAT cool (forest fires were involved), but I HAD captured an entire mountain so that was pretty cool...) chunk is getting kind of ridiculously boring and stuff-less. I want new stuff!" So I bravely went out and explored. Results are, well, all over the place.
So I had another gardening-craze. Decided I wanted to display the new trees and flowers (fucking hell... My patience broke. Those flower-bastards are hard to find. Found most of them though, but creative mode supplied the rest... I'm ashamed.) as well as the new look on the mini-farm. And a "hot-tub" to add to the nothingness of the area that used to be there.
So with new patches, I've got quite a changed view from the window. I painstakingly tracked down horses and led those fuckers back into this pathetic excuse of a pen. That will probably change soon. The trees are Acacias, but they're not usually there, only when I need the wood.
A map room! The hut looked a little ridiculous with maps covering windows and shit, so decided to just make a new room entirely. I have no idea what to do for this room, but imagining a chandelier. Will probably raise the roof a little bit and add it. That will probably be good regarding the maps too, as I can add more of them.
I love maps. Maps are great.
Changed the roof into dark oak wood, or stairs to be precise. Felt it was long overdue with a stairs-roof so to speak. I also expanded it by 1 block because the fact that it wasn't centred annoyed me ridiculously. Was helped a lot by Malene and Peter to determine which was the best-looking wood (hah), because clearly this is so important I need to shake my friends into helping me. Thanks guys. <3 They are the best to see if it fits or not. I'm like a fucking colour-blind... Um, dog I guess...
Right, so I covered up a hole with leftover wood and it ended up looking like a cheque weird picnic place... I'm still not sure how I feel about it, so it will probably change.Built this over Christmas, the idea of the camp-site is Rebekka's. The location of this is behind the animal pens, so it's not the greatest place, but it will do.
I also dressed up the mushroom-growing place when I dressed up the cave I mine in. I'm quite happy about this room. However I do think it kind of look like a mausoleum... Or a mushroom-growing place!
So this is going to be a watch-tower. Mark 1 is to the right, Mark 2 is on the left. Decided that Acacia wood is horrendous-looking mixed with other things. I quite like it though, but not on a watch tower. It's hopefully pretty obvious that it is a work-in-progress... Moving swiftly on...
I updated the animal pens. I felt a little sorry for these poor pixels, so ended up adding a little bit of a twatty roof to it. However, they keep escaping, no matter how much I build on it. Really annoying glitch.
OKAY! Last one now. This is the basement. Or cave. Whatever fits best really. As you probably can tell, I have a massive boner for the dark wood (maybe not the best phrasing). It looks amazing I think.
That place is looking pretty nice! Regarding the animals escaping... I think they do that if you have too many in a small pen. As if they just "push" each other out.
ReplyDeleteAh, but they aren't THAT small though... I have one Mooshroom that often escape its pen too, so... very weird. Haha thank you for your guidance and great eye for stuff-ness o' Master :D