This is why I love Christmas. The endless hills of lovely food that you can gorge your face in. Oh I love food... Amazing.
And of course seeing family and friends, don't forget.
Which led me to seeing The Hobbit twice, which is why I'm here today on this lovely evening.
Rant time.
People who don't understand personal space...
In the cinema you are given a seat. A seat to watch the film in. Well I'm sure everyone enjoys having a seat to themselves. Who doesn't.
Then there's this lady-thing.
Sat next to me there was, only something that could be described as the biggest chav in Norwegian history. Probably on a date with her boyfriend or husband or whatever, treating themselves with this months benefits (OK that was mean...) to see this excellent film of extremely attractive short people (not that short people aren't attractive).

I tried being polite about it, by slightly shoving her away, or should I say bravely attempting to undo the injustice that was happening in that cinema that faithful day...
Fucking foiled.
No hint was taken that day.
When the film was done She-Beast and Boyfriend rushed out of the cinema like the impolite monkeys they are/were without apologising when they trampled over my bag... How... What.... I can't even....
Ah but Christmas, oh Christmas.
Filled with beautiful first world problems and glorious food.
I love food.
This holiday basically only consist of food. I could build a fort OF the food eaten. However I would not as it has already been digested, ha ha. Hilarious.
Many lovely presents, of course. Will be nice and warm if the winter properly sets in.
Ah, let's leave it there, or one might age rapidly...
Wow. What a bitch. You should have returned the favour by throwing your legs over her seat or punched her in the face or something. Also FOOD! Yay!
ReplyDeleteYeah very nearly did... Cuntmuzzle :P how dare she not respect the unwritten code of Personal Space and Cinema Ettiquette!?