Having your birthday in a kindergarten is like being worshipped for a day. It was insane. I have the best colleagues! :) I'm not saying being worshipped is bad, nono. Everyone should worship me.
I am your God.
Worship me!
Anyway, I wanted to show my amazing kindergarten spoils, because they were amazing.
Right, not only was the first thing I saw when I got there today balloons and the amazing crown of amazingness, but I also got cake and a present! I did not expect that! They are so lovely!
Apparently my nerd has been showing, so I was given a Star Wars glass X) Which is amazing. Plus a lip balm and a facemask! I can't wait to treat MA FACE!
Because it is a face... Mask...
Hey, man, Sahara sure is dry this time of the year..!
It was wrapped in the shape of a house, which is amazing. They are such creative bunnies!
And the cake! Holy shit the cake was good! I had to physically restrain myself from eating the whole fucking thing by myself! Like, genuinely. So fucking good.
This fucking crown!
I've got the important details on it as well.
Kaptein Sabeltann and Kardemommeby!
Hell yes!
They know me so well <3
When I got home I was given a surprise as well. Been properly spoiled today, I have! I have amazing friends.
Erika was only cooking me dinner WITH desert! The lovely little shit! I do love that crazy person! Was tasty as all buggering hells as well!
Plus a fourleaf clover for luck! Which one can always appreciate! I mean turning down luck is just a little silly to be honest."Oh yeah, no I'd absolutely love a million years of bad luck, me! I am festooned with ill fortune! Brilliant!" No! Nobody in their right minds would do that!
Heh... Festooned...
Lovely thought passing it on, though!
Maren and her had gotten kit-cat a present too! Which is amazing! Cat is naturally sceptical at the moment, but I think it definitely will be a winner in the future! It is brilliant!
I have some wonderful people in my life! I mean that is apparent in every-day situations as well, but, you know.
Lovely people.
Love and love and love!
Your crown is magnificent! I am a little bit jealous... Also your friends and coworkers are awesome! I'd have baked you something, but i'm afraid it'd go stale in the post... Also your presents are coming! I just have to find them first....
ReplyDeleteI'd have totally baked you something too <3 don't worry about presents, it was present enough that you came the other week :D Your present, however is coming too... I need to find it... Just over a month late... I am a great friend X)