Maybe a little bit of mango. Although that would probably taste like ass.
Full disclosure, though, I don't actually know what ass taste like.

Slightly less.
Marginally less.
Only marginally.
I went off on a little tangent there.
I did this legit. Except the roof. I couldn't be arsed falling off that roof over and over. So I cheated. Not that I needed to, but because I really wanted to.

Well, semi-nice. In my opinion, anyway.

I spent very long on the dimensions on this. Had to build and rebuild a lot, which was a lot of work seeing as I did most of it legitimately. A lot of jumping around like a madman. I need a break after this. Though it does feel like a million times more rewarding to do it semi-legitimately.

I watched the entirety of Cuckoo (which is amazing. Everyone should watch it because AMAZING) as well as some of Scream whilst finishing this monster.
Library of death and decay, like in Doctor Who! Only Minecraft won't allow us to spawn a million Vashta Nerada to casually murder anyone who walk into it.

Hey, that would be amazing for servers with many players. It would keep people from griefing or stealing.Well I suppose griefing only would make the monster spread... Or would it? I'm not sure any more. I should probably Google it.

I mean all of this is strictly hypothetical, of course. I wouldn't want harm on anyone... At all... No. Of course not...
Anyway, after a lot of faffing and doing and redoing I finally ended up with a semi-finished looking library.
I wish it looked a little more "WOAH! GIANT ASS LIBRARY!!" rather than "OH LOOK, OUR LOCAL LIBRARY!!" but all in all I am happy with the result.
When I grow up, I want a library.
So actually, when I grow up, I want to be absolutely reeking with money. Stinking rich. Filthy rich. All sorts of unhygienic-ness related to rich-ness.
That's me. Or that's what I'd like to be. That rich.
Holy shit, is that why they call it so many dirt related things? Because rich people are actually really unhygienic? Did I just uncover this giant illuminati-theory on rich people? I am sure I did. Positive, in fact.
So if people start rubbing themselves with anchovies, garlic and cheesy puffs they magically start making a lot more money?
I think that sounds like a fool-proof plan to winning life.
Someone should test it and get back to me on this.
Right I think maybe too many tangents have been drawn... Can you say that? Anyway, it's time to say goodnight, cheerio and auf wiedersehen! Pip pip!
Anyway, after a lot of faffing and doing and redoing I finally ended up with a semi-finished looking library.
I wish it looked a little more "WOAH! GIANT ASS LIBRARY!!" rather than "OH LOOK, OUR LOCAL LIBRARY!!" but all in all I am happy with the result.
When I grow up, I want a library.
So actually, when I grow up, I want to be absolutely reeking with money. Stinking rich. Filthy rich. All sorts of unhygienic-ness related to rich-ness.
That's me. Or that's what I'd like to be. That rich.
Holy shit, is that why they call it so many dirt related things? Because rich people are actually really unhygienic? Did I just uncover this giant illuminati-theory on rich people? I am sure I did. Positive, in fact.
So if people start rubbing themselves with anchovies, garlic and cheesy puffs they magically start making a lot more money?
I think that sounds like a fool-proof plan to winning life.
Someone should test it and get back to me on this.
Right I think maybe too many tangents have been drawn... Can you say that? Anyway, it's time to say goodnight, cheerio and auf wiedersehen! Pip pip!