Of 2016. The shittest year in history. Probably.
Hoping for a better one in 2017. Truly. All though there are a lot of things that can go wrong there too. But crossing my fingers for the positive.
As I am sat here I am wondering what people are thinking shooting up their money, and too early at that (#failosaurus), I am also remembering many good moments of this exceedingly shit year.
Eating crabs with grandma, grandpa and my aunt this summer before I had to go back to Oslo. My aunt wanted me to get at least one good crab-meal in me before I had to go. Bless her face. I am so sad I don't have any pictures of them sitting around the table. But was such a nice summer's day.
Eating crabs (See a pattern here? Give me crabs and I am sold.) on the jetty on Okse with the family, many many people there. Catching up with them is always nice. I love the family on Okse. Everyone is so welcome there, I feel. Always someone to say hello to. Beautiful bastards.
The Oslo people are lovely too. Had so many nice times with most of them there. Apart from a certain ex-housemate of course.
I can't wait to get to know people better and getting better in touch with old friends.
I am hoping 2017 will be a lot better for a lot of people.
Best wishes to everyone!
And may peace and tolerance be the theme of this coming year!
Saturday, 31 December 2016
Wednesday, 28 December 2016
Soap Glad to See You!
I realised I actually had pictures from when we made soap as well. So I wanted to post them on here.
Together with the dramatic creativity of The Yesterday Post (That would be an amazing newspaper name by the way. Imagine, get all of your current news... A day late! It's freaking pioneering thinking right here!! Imagine the stress, only slightly less so! ...Or more so. Depending on the news I guess. I suppose it's only pioneering for sleepy suburban towns like.. Søgne. Or not like Søgne at all really as we've had some pretty macabre fucking news here lately. Murders and animal mutilation. I have no idea what the hell is going on here. It's like the Twilight Zone.)
Soap. I digressed a little. Soap.
Ina, a friend of Erika's had the idea. So Maren, Erika's sister and I tagged along to make it!
If you want the recipe then you are in the right place, hermano! This is a DIY post. This fucking blog is all over the fucking place.
Right, the recipe.
You will need:
500 g olive oil
63 g kaustisk soda (not sure if it's a brand name or not, but it is lye. Any sort of lye is fine, I'm sure. Just don't lye to me. HAH! Aha.)
150 ml water
We started by measuring up the water and the lye in their respective bowls and cup.

Above is some of the gear we used.
- A blender with metal blending-thing as apparently the lye would stick to the plastic one and taint the food-taste-thing.
- A pet food scale, working perfectly fine as a general kitchen scale.
- Gloves and goggles
- Cartons we could throw away after
- Bowls and cup to put shit in
- Spoons
Erika is displaying the proper attire and attitude whilst measuring lye.
Safety goggles or some sort of protection is a good idea whilst working with this. Plus gloves.
Lye is very corrosive. So you don't want to get it on your skin. Unless, of course, you'd like to end up like two-face or something. I doubt it would be anything like an Aaron Eckhart Two-Face, more like Tommy Lee Jones. Less burns more horrible acid accident. Anyway, we proceeded with stirring in the lye.
Maren is here showing off how to attractively and pissing-pantsly stirring the lye into the water. This will make a very hot concoction. Which in turn will need to cool the hell down.
When it has cooled, it is time to add the oil and stirr it all together. We used a hand blender. Then we basically blended until it got the same consistency as... I can't really remember. It was a little firmer than whipped cream I think. Or maybe it was butter. Unrefrigerated.
We added some essential oil, coffee grout and pine needles. For that extra special exfoliation.
No, I hope they don't prick too bad.
Here is a row of pure-concentration-whilst-stirring picture of the Vaginus Maximus housemate-crew. You are so very welcome.
After we used a spatula (I am highly scepticalto that translation. But you can see what fucking thing it is, like. So I can't be arsed hounding down that word.) to get all the gunk out and get it neatly into the cartons. Then we needed to add the oil and the coffegrout and that other junk. Could also use salt flakes and sugar and stuff like that if you want an exfoliating soap. I am sure that would be ace.
I added a picture below where you can almost see the consistency of the soap.
Then just leave it in that carton for a night, then the day after you cut it up into however many pieces you want and leave them to harden for like a month.
Not joking. It took a month to make it.
But they are rad as fuck.
So that was a freaking adventure. I know I feel enriched just by bloody writing about it. Nah, but really it was quite fun to make. I mean having made from scratch. I know you can get those kits where you just basically remelt the soap. They are cool too, but I mean having made it from scratch feels pretty cool.
Together with the dramatic creativity of The Yesterday Post (That would be an amazing newspaper name by the way. Imagine, get all of your current news... A day late! It's freaking pioneering thinking right here!! Imagine the stress, only slightly less so! ...Or more so. Depending on the news I guess. I suppose it's only pioneering for sleepy suburban towns like.. Søgne. Or not like Søgne at all really as we've had some pretty macabre fucking news here lately. Murders and animal mutilation. I have no idea what the hell is going on here. It's like the Twilight Zone.)
Soap. I digressed a little. Soap.
Ina, a friend of Erika's had the idea. So Maren, Erika's sister and I tagged along to make it!
If you want the recipe then you are in the right place, hermano! This is a DIY post. This fucking blog is all over the fucking place.
Right, the recipe.
You will need:
500 g olive oil
63 g kaustisk soda (not sure if it's a brand name or not, but it is lye. Any sort of lye is fine, I'm sure. Just don't lye to me. HAH! Aha.)
150 ml water
We started by measuring up the water and the lye in their respective bowls and cup.
Above is some of the gear we used.
- A blender with metal blending-thing as apparently the lye would stick to the plastic one and taint the food-taste-thing.
- A pet food scale, working perfectly fine as a general kitchen scale.
- Gloves and goggles
- Cartons we could throw away after
- Bowls and cup to put shit in
- Spoons
Erika is displaying the proper attire and attitude whilst measuring lye.
Lye is very corrosive. So you don't want to get it on your skin. Unless, of course, you'd like to end up like two-face or something. I doubt it would be anything like an Aaron Eckhart Two-Face, more like Tommy Lee Jones. Less burns more horrible acid accident. Anyway, we proceeded with stirring in the lye.
Maren is here showing off how to attractively and pissing-pantsly stirring the lye into the water. This will make a very hot concoction. Which in turn will need to cool the hell down.
When it has cooled, it is time to add the oil and stirr it all together. We used a hand blender. Then we basically blended until it got the same consistency as... I can't really remember. It was a little firmer than whipped cream I think. Or maybe it was butter. Unrefrigerated.
We added some essential oil, coffee grout and pine needles. For that extra special exfoliation.
No, I hope they don't prick too bad.
Here is a row of pure-concentration-whilst-stirring picture of the Vaginus Maximus housemate-crew. You are so very welcome.
I added a picture below where you can almost see the consistency of the soap.
Then just leave it in that carton for a night, then the day after you cut it up into however many pieces you want and leave them to harden for like a month.
Not joking. It took a month to make it.
But they are rad as fuck.
So that was a freaking adventure. I know I feel enriched just by bloody writing about it. Nah, but really it was quite fun to make. I mean having made from scratch. I know you can get those kits where you just basically remelt the soap. They are cool too, but I mean having made it from scratch feels pretty cool.
Hobby Holdup!
Merry Christmas!
So, as I am a raging narcissist, I really wanted to show off how I decorated the oil bottle Christmas gifts I made this year. I am really quite proud of how they turned out.
Mostly the bottlecap, as I felt incredibly clever figuring out about the sanding. I enjoy my clever moments.
Though few and far between they are, they do, in fact, exist. :P
So I used sanding paper to get that misty look rather than that crappy, crappy fake plastic look. I hated that the bottles had those, so decided to take matters into my own hands. |
Result. I think this looked a lot cleaner than the original bottlecap. Which was fugly. |
Decided to make more work for myself and spun straw-like rope around the neck. For that pirate-y feel. Who doesn't love pirates. |
"Is this OK? Hmmm.... Is that... No... OK! I'll just use a fuckload more of that and this and hate everything." |
Detail picture. Thought it looked kinda cool. The reflection is probably my soul escaping. |
But anyway, I had a lovely Christmas. Was the last one ever in my childhood home, which is insane to me. And sad. We also celebrated with my cousins (on my mum's side) which was fun! Haven't celebrated with them a whole lot. But I am guessing that that will change now, which is nice.
Some positivity is coming out of all of this. I can digg that.
I sincerely hope everyone had a nice Christmas this year, and will get an even better one next year! Everyone deserve a better year than what this soggy bog-year has been like.
Here's a picture for you who actually read this: My gross-ass cat, Kvikk Lunsj, wearing my underwear as a scarf because she is so undeniably weird. It's not dirty. Don't worry. However the pyjamapants have been in use though...
The filth.
Sunday, 27 November 2016
The First Adventian Sunday of Yore.
Well, not really. But I for one am beginning to feel the stress. I am making a lot of the gifts this year, which is very nice. It makes me properly feel the 'Christmas Spirit' and stuff.
There is so much to be done. Fortunately I have done the bulk of it.
Ah, the joys of not having money, say.
But that's OK. Will work something out regardless!
Oh yes.
What else will get you in the Christmas spirit like a horror-comedy about Santa's opposite?
Nothing! That's what.
Yes. Christmas is coming. Maybe we'll even have some snow soon, too! That would be nice.
Yay Christmas!
Thursday, 6 October 2016
The Worst Month
Last month I lost two very important people to me. My grandfather died the 9th and my aunt the 29th.
So this is obviously a very tough time for the family.
I learned so much from my grandfather. I always came from grandma and grandpa's house knowing more than I did before. I cherished that. He taught me chess, he taught me a lot about flowers, he was always talking about bugs and how they were the food of the future (so much protein!). I am so happy I got a nice crab meal with him, my aunt and grandma this summer. It was so nice. We sat in the garage and just inhaled the crabs.
He took us out to sea sometimes when we were kids and we had mackrell and potatoes made on the boat. He made up fairytales for me when we were over, he tended a huge garden we played in loads, he sang so much to us. He always had good advice. I am going to miss him.
My aunt, she cared for us like we were her own, so we had a very special connection to her. I remember visiting her in Oslo as a kid, and we visited Holmenkollen, went to the technical museum, the one with all the rocks and all sorts of fun stuff like that. We always had an adventure when visiting her. She was always so full of life and joked and laughed so much. We had so much fun with her. She really cared for us.
When we were confirmated (that religious rite, still not 100% sure it's called that in English) she always made a lot of sound and riled everyone up by making us dance and blow up balloons and stuff like that. She was so much fun. I am going to miss her.
I can't believe I lost them both. I still haven't understood that I'll never speak to them again, never see them again or ever laugh with them again.
I love them both so much. I am just glad they are both in a better place now.
https://kreftforeningen.no/stott-kreftforeningen/ I am linking this as I know they would both appreciate it if anyone would support that cause. I know not many people read this, if any at all, but I don't care. It's up here now.
Such a shit disease. I hope they find a cure soon so nobody else has to go through the crap they went through. Brave, strong people.
So this is obviously a very tough time for the family.
I learned so much from my grandfather. I always came from grandma and grandpa's house knowing more than I did before. I cherished that. He taught me chess, he taught me a lot about flowers, he was always talking about bugs and how they were the food of the future (so much protein!). I am so happy I got a nice crab meal with him, my aunt and grandma this summer. It was so nice. We sat in the garage and just inhaled the crabs.
He took us out to sea sometimes when we were kids and we had mackrell and potatoes made on the boat. He made up fairytales for me when we were over, he tended a huge garden we played in loads, he sang so much to us. He always had good advice. I am going to miss him.
My aunt, she cared for us like we were her own, so we had a very special connection to her. I remember visiting her in Oslo as a kid, and we visited Holmenkollen, went to the technical museum, the one with all the rocks and all sorts of fun stuff like that. We always had an adventure when visiting her. She was always so full of life and joked and laughed so much. We had so much fun with her. She really cared for us.
When we were confirmated (that religious rite, still not 100% sure it's called that in English) she always made a lot of sound and riled everyone up by making us dance and blow up balloons and stuff like that. She was so much fun. I am going to miss her.
I can't believe I lost them both. I still haven't understood that I'll never speak to them again, never see them again or ever laugh with them again.
I love them both so much. I am just glad they are both in a better place now.
https://kreftforeningen.no/stott-kreftforeningen/ I am linking this as I know they would both appreciate it if anyone would support that cause. I know not many people read this, if any at all, but I don't care. It's up here now.
Such a shit disease. I hope they find a cure soon so nobody else has to go through the crap they went through. Brave, strong people.
Sunday, 24 July 2016
Review Busters
Yes. I saw this a few hours ago with my beautiful bae (I am a little sorry) Malene and TLDR: I loved it! She loved it too.If we are comparing it to the old one, I actually think they come quite similarly out result-wise.
I didn't focus on it being a "OH MY GAWD THEY MADE AN ALL-GIRLS GROUP, THE SACRILEGE!!! THE SACRILEGE!!! DAMN SJW AND FEMINAZIS!!" at all, even though women are like the plague: better left exterminated. No but honestly, all I saw this as was a remake. Or a retake, really, as the story isn't really the same. They just happen to be women (and awesome ones at that.) All I could think of was the funny characters, the amazing AMAZING Holtzmann -a true favourite- and of course the story. But I'd really like to really rub in that the characters were amazing. Because they were really well written.
It was kind of like the old one, but with a little more spice and a butt load cooler special effects. It wasn't like all the other stereotypical comedy films made these days, it was actually good. I got some good laughs from it! Which is great when you are watching a comedy, honestly.
Just a personal opinion, but there it is.
I am going to summarise now, so spoilers!
I genuinely recommend watching it, so if you wanna see it, don't read below (heh... Heheheh... B-low... Blow...) this!

Anyway, she found her. Her friend turns out to be Sookie (However in this film she changed her name to Abby Yates. You don't fool me, though, Sookie. You are totally on my radar, girl!) Sookie is seen selling the book, because... Wait, she co-wrote the book. I should probably have mentioned that before.
Erin Gilbert wants Sookie to stop selling the book but Sookie is not looking favourably upon the idea as it is a source of income. But then...
Oh shit, I forgot to tell you that Erin Gilbert was approached by a dude that owned the haunted house and was approached by said dude because he found their book online.
So she tells Sookie this and while she does they introduce this weird and THE MOST AWESOME PERSON EVER, Jillian Holtzmann.
They start bullying Erin Gilbert and then she blurts out that the haunted house is haunted and the two get excited and go there. Short story short, they see a ghost. And they freak out. A joyous freakout. Erin Gilbert gets fired because of a film that Sookie puts on YouTube. End of that shit is they all get fired and starts the Ghostbusters. The fourth member, Patty Tolan, is introduced when a creepy dude goes onto the subway tracks and unleashes a ghost, awesome lady runs off to the Ghostbusters and... Yeah, they meet and all that. Love at first sight and that.
This is getting too detailed. I'm going to continue with bullet points.
- They get Thor to be their receptionist
- Ghostbusters gets the subway ghost, but a train smashes into it and sorts their problem out. ...-ish.
- The haunted house is never mentioned again
- Holtz (That is Jillian Holtzmann's nickname, by the way. Holtz.) is making loads of cool shit
- Trying-out-the-shooters-montage
- Trapping a demon-ghost at a metal concert for maximum cred
- Got hailed heroes
- Getting denied by the mayor and branded frauds (sensing a could-be Judas theme here)
- Err, well now my memory is getting a little fuzzy, but I am pretty sure there was an epiphany of sorts in there
- OH YES! Something about ley lines
- Wait no, they are discovering the badguy before that
- THEN the ley lines.
- Oh so then they find the badguy and he kills himself. Bit of a let down you say? Yes. Yes a bit. But then:
- They realise this was a part of his plan after seeing his book (which was, surprise surprise, the book they wrote together, and he, THE HERETIC HAD SCRIBBLED IN IT!!! SCRIBBLED!!! THAT IS LIKE WAY, WAY WORSE THAN DOG EARS!! PEOPLE SHOULD BE EUTHANIZED FOR DOING THAT!!! DOG EARS, I MEAN! SO THERE IS LIKE A WHOLE OTHER LEVEL OF DEATH AND DECAY FOR PEOPLE WHO SCRIBBLE!!!)
- Then Badguy takes over Sookie's body and she tries to kill Holtz and Patty Tolan
- Patty awesome-punches Badguy out of Sookie (giggity)
- Badguy takes over Thor
- Thor goes back to Lair of Doom and releases Deadies
- Awesome engineering lady of extreme coolness makes more stuff they need to try out, another montage-ish-thing. Meanwhile the deadies take over New York while the Ghostbusters are busy not doing their job
- Then they get their arses in gear and a badass fight of doom happens
- Then I feel something else happened but it's been, like 8 hours since I saw it.
- The not-Stay-Puft-marshmallow-man but rather the Ghostbuster's logo comes to life and wrecks New York
- They manage to set off a nuclear bomb inside the Apocalypse machine mr Badguy made which made it into a ghost vacuum cleaner
- Sookie gets grabbed by Not-Stay-Puft and gets sucked into the portal to Deadville
- Erin Gilbert runs in after her
- They come back out
- They get white hair
- Everyone laughs
- Happy ending. (Not that kind of a happy ending, though, you filthy piglet.)

I should be paid for that teaser-hook-whatever-thing there. They owe me. I bet people are running to the cinema in hordes to find out if it humps them or not.
Malene gave it a 9/10 because of some montage before the Big fight of doom! I would give it 9/10 too. Even though it was really really awesome, it wasn't perfect. But it really is a really good film.
Go watch it! Go! Go! Go go go go go!
Friday, 8 July 2016
I FINALLY GOT IT!! AFTER ... Ok, yeah, not too much of spamming groups and trade, honestly, it was just a few hours of waiting really. Got to look for the blasted Voidtalon portal whilst waiting as well, so wasn't too bad.
I digressed a little.
The moose. It is simply that badass.
Man, if real life achievements were as easy as game-achievements, I'd totally have maybe one or two!! :P
Shadow hunter Moj'jar is posing with the statue of the awesome achievement I got for basically nothing! I am chuffed to no end, and Moj'jar is guarding it a little too eagerly, if you ask me. I caught him polishing Gul'dan the other day. Polishing. It was weird. Though I am not going to judge what an NPC does with his day. Especiallt Moj'jar. The little lump.
Bless 'im.
Anyway, I really just wanted to brag. Because of the narcissism and all that. All in good fun.
I digressed a little.

Bless 'im.
Anyway, I really just wanted to brag. Because of the narcissism and all that. All in good fun.
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
Minecraft Library
I've been working on a library for a time now, and I really wanna show off. Because that's my jam. Not literally. I don't have my own jam. I would love to have my own jam, though. It would be a mix between blueberries and raspberries. Because those are my favourites. Yum.

Maybe a little bit of mango. Although that would probably taste like ass.
Full disclosure, though, I don't actually know what ass taste like.
Mango is extremely nice. Like. It fits into everything. Salads... Smoothies... Probably tacos. Let's be honest, mango is like the best thing. Except blueberries. Because blueberries are even more amazing. Though a little less versatile.
Slightly less.
Marginally less.
Only marginally.
I went off on a little tangent there.
I did this legit. Except the roof. I couldn't be arsed falling off that roof over and over. So I cheated. Not that I needed to, but because I really wanted to.
Oh yeah, and the floor. Because clay is like seriously endangered in this world. So naturally I have cheated most of the brick roads as well. I like my things looking nice.
Well, semi-nice. In my opinion, anyway.
Right. I tried making the roof once, but it looked absolutely all too flat, so I had to redo it. Now it looks... I don't know, maybe a little better, but I think it looks a little oversized now. I really cannot be bothered to fix it now, though. I finally finished!
I spent very long on the dimensions on this. Had to build and rebuild a lot, which was a lot of work seeing as I did most of it legitimately. A lot of jumping around like a madman. I need a break after this. Though it does feel like a million times more rewarding to do it semi-legitimately.

I watched the entirety of Cuckoo (which is amazing. Everyone should watch it because AMAZING) as well as some of Scream whilst finishing this monster.
Library of death and decay, like in Doctor Who! Only Minecraft won't allow us to spawn a million Vashta Nerada to casually murder anyone who walk into it.

Hey, that would be amazing for servers with many players. It would keep people from griefing or stealing.Well I suppose griefing only would make the monster spread... Or would it? I'm not sure any more. I should probably Google it.
Apparently the Vashta Nerada are "even on Earth" in the Doctor Who universe. Awesome. "Though swarms were not usually that aggressive." Which is cool. So that means I need to cut down a forest where they "dwell" to piss them off royally and make books of their trees.

Maybe a little bit of mango. Although that would probably taste like ass.
Full disclosure, though, I don't actually know what ass taste like.

Slightly less.
Marginally less.
Only marginally.
I went off on a little tangent there.
I did this legit. Except the roof. I couldn't be arsed falling off that roof over and over. So I cheated. Not that I needed to, but because I really wanted to.

Well, semi-nice. In my opinion, anyway.

I spent very long on the dimensions on this. Had to build and rebuild a lot, which was a lot of work seeing as I did most of it legitimately. A lot of jumping around like a madman. I need a break after this. Though it does feel like a million times more rewarding to do it semi-legitimately.

I watched the entirety of Cuckoo (which is amazing. Everyone should watch it because AMAZING) as well as some of Scream whilst finishing this monster.
Library of death and decay, like in Doctor Who! Only Minecraft won't allow us to spawn a million Vashta Nerada to casually murder anyone who walk into it.

Hey, that would be amazing for servers with many players. It would keep people from griefing or stealing.Well I suppose griefing only would make the monster spread... Or would it? I'm not sure any more. I should probably Google it.

I mean all of this is strictly hypothetical, of course. I wouldn't want harm on anyone... At all... No. Of course not...
Anyway, after a lot of faffing and doing and redoing I finally ended up with a semi-finished looking library.
I wish it looked a little more "WOAH! GIANT ASS LIBRARY!!" rather than "OH LOOK, OUR LOCAL LIBRARY!!" but all in all I am happy with the result.
When I grow up, I want a library.
So actually, when I grow up, I want to be absolutely reeking with money. Stinking rich. Filthy rich. All sorts of unhygienic-ness related to rich-ness.
That's me. Or that's what I'd like to be. That rich.
Holy shit, is that why they call it so many dirt related things? Because rich people are actually really unhygienic? Did I just uncover this giant illuminati-theory on rich people? I am sure I did. Positive, in fact.
So if people start rubbing themselves with anchovies, garlic and cheesy puffs they magically start making a lot more money?
I think that sounds like a fool-proof plan to winning life.
Someone should test it and get back to me on this.
Right I think maybe too many tangents have been drawn... Can you say that? Anyway, it's time to say goodnight, cheerio and auf wiedersehen! Pip pip!
Anyway, after a lot of faffing and doing and redoing I finally ended up with a semi-finished looking library.
I wish it looked a little more "WOAH! GIANT ASS LIBRARY!!" rather than "OH LOOK, OUR LOCAL LIBRARY!!" but all in all I am happy with the result.
When I grow up, I want a library.
So actually, when I grow up, I want to be absolutely reeking with money. Stinking rich. Filthy rich. All sorts of unhygienic-ness related to rich-ness.
That's me. Or that's what I'd like to be. That rich.
Holy shit, is that why they call it so many dirt related things? Because rich people are actually really unhygienic? Did I just uncover this giant illuminati-theory on rich people? I am sure I did. Positive, in fact.
So if people start rubbing themselves with anchovies, garlic and cheesy puffs they magically start making a lot more money?
I think that sounds like a fool-proof plan to winning life.
Someone should test it and get back to me on this.
Right I think maybe too many tangents have been drawn... Can you say that? Anyway, it's time to say goodnight, cheerio and auf wiedersehen! Pip pip!
Tuesday, 14 June 2016
Birthday Blues
Definitely haven't got any of those around here, that's for pretty damn sure!
Having your birthday in a kindergarten is like being worshipped for a day. It was insane. I have the best colleagues! :) I'm not saying being worshipped is bad, nono. Everyone should worship me.
I am your God.
Worship me!
Anyway, I wanted to show my amazing kindergarten spoils, because they were amazing.
Right, not only was the first thing I saw when I got there today balloons and the amazing crown of amazingness, but I also got cake and a present! I did not expect that! They are so lovely!
Apparently my nerd has been showing, so I was given a Star Wars glass X) Which is amazing. Plus a lip balm and a facemask! I can't wait to treat MA FACE!
Because it is a face... Mask...
Hey, man, Sahara sure is dry this time of the year..!
It was wrapped in the shape of a house, which is amazing. They are such creative bunnies!
And the cake! Holy shit the cake was good! I had to physically restrain myself from eating the whole fucking thing by myself! Like, genuinely. So fucking good.
This fucking crown!
I've got the important details on it as well.
Kaptein Sabeltann and Kardemommeby!
Hell yes!
They know me so well <3
When I got home I was given a surprise as well. Been properly spoiled today, I have! I have amazing friends.
Erika was only cooking me dinner WITH desert! The lovely little shit! I do love that crazy person! Was tasty as all buggering hells as well!
Plus a fourleaf clover for luck! Which one can always appreciate! I mean turning down luck is just a little silly to be honest."Oh yeah, no I'd absolutely love a million years of bad luck, me! I am festooned with ill fortune! Brilliant!" No! Nobody in their right minds would do that!
Heh... Festooned...
Lovely thought passing it on, though!
Maren and her had gotten kit-cat a present too! Which is amazing! Cat is naturally sceptical at the moment, but I think it definitely will be a winner in the future! It is brilliant!
I have some wonderful people in my life! I mean that is apparent in every-day situations as well, but, you know.
Lovely people.
Love and love and love!
Having your birthday in a kindergarten is like being worshipped for a day. It was insane. I have the best colleagues! :) I'm not saying being worshipped is bad, nono. Everyone should worship me.
I am your God.
Worship me!
Anyway, I wanted to show my amazing kindergarten spoils, because they were amazing.
Right, not only was the first thing I saw when I got there today balloons and the amazing crown of amazingness, but I also got cake and a present! I did not expect that! They are so lovely!
Apparently my nerd has been showing, so I was given a Star Wars glass X) Which is amazing. Plus a lip balm and a facemask! I can't wait to treat MA FACE!
Because it is a face... Mask...
Hey, man, Sahara sure is dry this time of the year..!
It was wrapped in the shape of a house, which is amazing. They are such creative bunnies!
And the cake! Holy shit the cake was good! I had to physically restrain myself from eating the whole fucking thing by myself! Like, genuinely. So fucking good.
This fucking crown!
I've got the important details on it as well.
Kaptein Sabeltann and Kardemommeby!
Hell yes!
They know me so well <3
When I got home I was given a surprise as well. Been properly spoiled today, I have! I have amazing friends.
Erika was only cooking me dinner WITH desert! The lovely little shit! I do love that crazy person! Was tasty as all buggering hells as well!
Plus a fourleaf clover for luck! Which one can always appreciate! I mean turning down luck is just a little silly to be honest."Oh yeah, no I'd absolutely love a million years of bad luck, me! I am festooned with ill fortune! Brilliant!" No! Nobody in their right minds would do that!
Heh... Festooned...
Lovely thought passing it on, though!
Maren and her had gotten kit-cat a present too! Which is amazing! Cat is naturally sceptical at the moment, but I think it definitely will be a winner in the future! It is brilliant!
I have some wonderful people in my life! I mean that is apparent in every-day situations as well, but, you know.
Lovely people.
Love and love and love!
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