Together with the dramatic creativity of The Yesterday Post (That would be an amazing newspaper name by the way. Imagine, get all of your current news... A day late! It's freaking pioneering thinking right here!! Imagine the stress, only slightly less so! ...Or more so. Depending on the news I guess. I suppose it's only pioneering for sleepy suburban towns like.. Søgne. Or not like Søgne at all really as we've had some pretty macabre fucking news here lately. Murders and animal mutilation. I have no idea what the hell is going on here. It's like the Twilight Zone.)
Soap. I digressed a little. Soap.
Ina, a friend of Erika's had the idea. So Maren, Erika's sister and I tagged along to make it!
If you want the recipe then you are in the right place, hermano! This is a DIY post. This fucking blog is all over the fucking place.
Right, the recipe.
You will need:
500 g olive oil
63 g kaustisk soda (not sure if it's a brand name or not, but it is lye. Any sort of lye is fine, I'm sure. Just don't lye to me. HAH! Aha.)
150 ml water
We started by measuring up the water and the lye in their respective bowls and cup.
Above is some of the gear we used.
- A blender with metal blending-thing as apparently the lye would stick to the plastic one and taint the food-taste-thing.
- A pet food scale, working perfectly fine as a general kitchen scale.
- Gloves and goggles
- Cartons we could throw away after
- Bowls and cup to put shit in
- Spoons
Erika is displaying the proper attire and attitude whilst measuring lye.
Lye is very corrosive. So you don't want to get it on your skin. Unless, of course, you'd like to end up like two-face or something. I doubt it would be anything like an Aaron Eckhart Two-Face, more like Tommy Lee Jones. Less burns more horrible acid accident. Anyway, we proceeded with stirring in the lye.
Maren is here showing off how to attractively and pissing-pantsly stirring the lye into the water. This will make a very hot concoction. Which in turn will need to cool the hell down.
When it has cooled, it is time to add the oil and stirr it all together. We used a hand blender. Then we basically blended until it got the same consistency as... I can't really remember. It was a little firmer than whipped cream I think. Or maybe it was butter. Unrefrigerated.
We added some essential oil, coffee grout and pine needles. For that extra special exfoliation.
No, I hope they don't prick too bad.
Here is a row of pure-concentration-whilst-stirring picture of the Vaginus Maximus housemate-crew. You are so very welcome.
I added a picture below where you can almost see the consistency of the soap.
Then just leave it in that carton for a night, then the day after you cut it up into however many pieces you want and leave them to harden for like a month.
Not joking. It took a month to make it.
But they are rad as fuck.
So that was a freaking adventure. I know I feel enriched just by bloody writing about it. Nah, but really it was quite fun to make. I mean having made from scratch. I know you can get those kits where you just basically remelt the soap. They are cool too, but I mean having made it from scratch feels pretty cool.
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