Happy New Year!
How weird. Christmas was just here, now it's not. It's pretty close to not even being this freaking year! What! One year closer to oblivion. Death and destruction. Just what you want on a merry New Year's eve.
Ask and ye shall receive.
You have officially received.
Up the bum.
Well this turned weird fast. I should apologise but I won't.
I am currently at a mate's cabin in the middle of absolute fucking nowhere and it is (both the cabin and being here) amazing. We have eaten so many nice courses of food (hah. What else would there be many nice courses of, really? Can you use the word "courses" for anything but food? All the questions. All of them.) as well as sweets and other yummy unhealthy food (kinda goes hand-in-hand doesn't it. A lot of the time anyway.). A lot of onion has happened. Holy shit. I am literally carrying the smell of seven diseased trolls in my pores. No not the seven dwarves, no, trolls. You'll know by the smell. Honest to Jezeus. Dwarves leave your skin all nice and shimmery. It's from all the gems and gold and shite. And beer. Beer is apparently great for your skin. Honest. Trolls are just festering pustules of dirt and grub. Nothing good comes of them. Except maybe the satisfaction of knowing they will be exterminated (EXTERMINATE!) after a shower. Oooh showers. They can't stand'em. They make them explode like blisters under pressure. Truly magnificent to watch, though I'd definitely suggest bringing a raincoat or an umbrella. Or both. Preferably both to be honest. Then again people tend to frown upon other people watching them in the shower. Something about privacy... I don't know. People are strange.
Well enough about my BO (I realise I am one classy shit. What a Lady. Holy shit). Let's continue that next year. Which reminds me, HAPPY NEW YEAR! ...again!
Holy shit, 2015. Only around two hours away at present state in time and space.
Soon people will be proclaiming their New Year's resolutions all over social media's, to which I wish them very good luck. I personally am not too fussed about them. I never had that tradition. If I get any goals then I am going after it whether it is January 1st or 47th of October, also known as November 16, but October 47 sounds a lot more fun and exciting. It probably isn't though. I mean, unless a tsunami hits Canada and tornado's start roamin' the skies I doubt it'll be too adrenaline-filled honestly. But you never know. There might be an exciting road trip down a cliff side ending in an unfortunate way for your car (not you. You are invincible. Immortal. ...Other adjectives.) or perhaps a tractor were taking up the road and precariously filled up the bridge you were far too stubborn to wait to drive over. Bridges without railings are such a problem in Norway today...
Yes. Lies aside, I hope none of that will happen. As much as I want to see a tornado, I'd honestly rather not see one here. Holy shit tornado's are cool. Like volcanoes. Only it's full-on air-doom. Not earth-doom with a hint of air-doom. Doom. Doom is a great word. I feel like people don't appreciate that word as much anymore. Doom. It just explains it all. I wish all words were/are like that. Bugger it all.
Right. Well, enjoy the fireworks,
enjoy the drink,
enjoy life,
enjoy the company,
enjoy the food,
enjoy the fisting.
Happy fucking new year you big bastard.
Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Sunday, 28 December 2014
It was Christmas Eve, babe
In the drunk tank!
Merry fucking Christmas, you absolute assholes. What a time. What a year.
I hope you have a Merry Christmas (what's left of it) and a happy New Year!
Merry fucking Christmas, you absolute assholes. What a time. What a year.
What is this.
OK, holy shit, I finally got my finger out of my ass and
started, well, attempted to get some creative juices flowing.
Christmas has been nice. It's come and gone. People are
leaving even though they just arrived. It is quite strange being the person who
is “left behind” all the time, rather than being the one travelling. I don’t
know how I feel about that. It is quite nice in one way and a little
frustrating in another. It is weird having friends all over the place but I often
have to invest money to get to them.
It’s also quite nice. Travelling is always exciting (maybe
not the train/bus/plane part, but the prospect of going somewhere is!), so
going on a bit of an adventure to go see your mates is pretty awesome.
Oh, seems I got distracted.
Christmas has been lovely. We even had snow on Christmas
Eve. It was like a Christmas present from nature. Freaking beautiful it was.
And I am kind of sad that The Julekalender is over. No more
advent for us… Until next year! Oh yeah and I nearly won 100 000kr. That
fucking scratch-and-win advent calendar was just cruel, evil and vicious. I
needed 1 god damn CD to win. One. Uno. En. A single CD.
A bigger tease I’ve never seen. A cruel, cruel tease. Not
just a tease, really. A taunt.
Calendar Douche: “’Ey, come here! You will totally win a lot
of money!”
Me: “Oooh, money? I like money…”
CD: “Yeah… Oh look at all these CD ‘s! You need those to win
the aforementioned money!”
M: “I do? Holy shit, look at how many there are of them… Wow…
Do I actually have a chance to win?”
CD: “Oh yes, you totally do! Just keep scratchin’! Only a
few more now! Come on! Keep that hope burning bright in you! Remember, we need
the fuel for Christmas Eve when you totally will win the 100 000kr!”
CD: *Rubs hands evilly* “Yes.... Yeeeees….. Fuel my evil…. FUEL IT!”
M: “Pardon? What? I didn’t quite catch that; I was too busy
planning my future on false hope and broken dreams.”
CD: “Yes, exactly, MWAHAHAHAHA!”
I did win 20kr off that wretched calendar douche though,
so I’m not all too ungrateful. Just a little bit. I could have been more grateful, but I decided not to.
But I am absolutely, 100% sure I handled it the right way. I sent a strongly worded letter to the lottery people.
Dear lottery-fuckersI was gifted an advent calendar of your brand.Having not spent any money myself on this calendar I feel shocked and appalled for not winning after having 10, not 11 CD's as required, to win the 100 000 kr. I feel abused, misguided and to be honest, a little molested.Please send me the money or I will sue for emotional damage.Sincerely,Maria
I thought it was a reasonable letter to send.
They say being assertive is the way to get and achieve things, so, you know, just taking advice to heart. What you read on the internet is always true, as they say.
And seeing as this is the internet and the internet have done so much for me, I have some advice as well. It's kind of like a pay-back. For all the times the internet helped me out.
- Always take what is online 100% seriously,
- Always take sweets from strangers, because, hello, free sweets.
- Never get into a serious discussion online as only chumps do that,
- Don't be a chump,
- Make as many unobtainable New Year's resolutions as possible to feel better than others,
- Loudly broadcast said new year's resolutions every day for a week after New Year, then stop mentioning them all together,
- If you actually do one of your unobtainable New Year's resolution, be smug as absolute fuck about it for the rest of the year, as well as years to come,
- Do Facebook Tags as much as you possibly can (unless they are actually for a charity or a good cause. Only hippies and people who make obtainable New Year's resolutions donate to charities. Don't be like them. They are chumps (ref. 3 point))
- Rage quit. Only winners waste other people's time. If you're not a winner you are a chump. (read above point)
- Be nice to people online
- Follow the 9th advice and be wrong and also a chump,
- Be yourself. Haha, just kidding. You need to mould yourself into society's stereotypes and accepted ways, haha. Nothing else is accepted. Don't be a chump.
- Women are trash. Treat them as such.
- Men are trash. Treat them as such.
- ...Actually treat everyone like trash.
- People appreciate when you are pointing out their flaws, do this often.
- Refine your social antennas by taking advice from the internet and blindly believing everything you read. - This shouldn't really be here, but I feel like I should really hammer it in. (The hammer is my penis)
I hope you have a Merry Christmas (what's left of it) and a happy New Year!
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
Houses of the Holy
So, thanks to Alun and Malene I have finally sorted out this blasted church business! It turned out to be the Church of Music after all. Even though I said "no, I'm not that silly, haha, lawl". It turns out I am.
As well as the name for the cottage. The Blind Logstacker! Thank you Alun!
I finished it maybe a week ago, but I just haven't really got around to bragging about it. Yeah let's face it. It's bragging. I am a dirty filthy braggaholic. My name is Maria. I am a braggaholic. Braggaholic is totally a word, by the way.
...You don't want to know how many red lines there are so far in this post...
Moving on.
This is the new stuff. To the left is the Fisherman's Friend cabin. Not the cough drops. The big white and gray building is the church. I can clearly not spell gray right as there is a big red line under it. My spell check is telling me off. WHY SPELL CHECK?? IS GREY BETTER? It is. It is better. There is no red line.

The church, I think, could look better. But there's too much effort in changing them, so unless I get horribly bored I probably won't change it.
I had a lot of fun making the confession booth. "I'm sorry Father I have sinned. It has been a year since my last confession... I... I have been listening to Lady Gaga... On repeat."
"YOU WHAT!? The God of Rock forgives you. You need to listen to the entire album of Led Zeppelin III and two random songs of The Beatles."
The Graveyard, however, I'm really proud of. I originally wanted it to be dark, sad, desolate, overgrown and so on, but then it came out like this. And wading through a horde of skeletons would only prove a bit of a struggle when going into the mine (the mausoleum in the back-left, there), so I ditched it. I also considered putting names on the graves using signs, but that felt too morbid.
The map has changed something fierce as well. I have a massive boner (full stop. Wink wink, nudge nudge.) for maps, so I thought I could add a picture of the difference. The left is old, the right is new. I really like seeing the world change from "above".
Then, by suggestion of Alun, I built a fishing hut. I called it The Fisherman's Friend. (Not the cough drops.)
I thought it was a great idea. The thought of a semi-abandoned cottage in the slight outskirts of a place appealed. And kind of axe-murder-y. Herobrine isn't creepy enough, apparently. I kind of wish Herobrine was in the game. It would be kind of cool to suddenly lay the wall of China in your living room just because you suddenly discovered that there is actually a face looking at you in the corner of your screen. I wonder who came up with that whole idea. It must be pretty awesome to come up with an urban legend. Like Slender Man. Holy shit, that person must be revelling in all the creepy-pasta (WHY IS IT CALLED CREEPY PASTA!? WHAT DOES PASTA HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING!?!? I DO NOT COMPREHEND WHAT FOOD HAS TO DO WITH MADE-UP STORIES APART FROM WHEN THE CHARACTERS EAT IT!!) that is happening around it all. In my head this person is standing in a dark room hovering over his computer, the only light source is the screen and he cackles maniacally. "I have created a nightmare", s/he says, let's call him/her Peony, Peony says whilst skimming through the next creepy-pasta (I DO NOT ENJOY USING THOSE WORDS TOGETHER!!). The details grow like a garden-weed whilst Peony tap his/her fingers together maliciously. This has a life of its own now. However Peony breathes life into it occasionally when it threatens to die down. Because Peony is a sadistic asshole who deserves a little slap. In the face. With a sledgehammer. Of foam <3
I have digressed. But that's OK, because I've finished yappin'.
As well as the name for the cottage. The Blind Logstacker! Thank you Alun!
I finished it maybe a week ago, but I just haven't really got around to bragging about it. Yeah let's face it. It's bragging. I am a dirty filthy braggaholic. My name is Maria. I am a braggaholic. Braggaholic is totally a word, by the way.
...You don't want to know how many red lines there are so far in this post...
Moving on.
This is the new stuff. To the left is the Fisherman's Friend cabin. Not the cough drops. The big white and gray building is the church. I can clearly not spell gray right as there is a big red line under it. My spell check is telling me off. WHY SPELL CHECK?? IS GREY BETTER? It is. It is better. There is no red line.

The church, I think, could look better. But there's too much effort in changing them, so unless I get horribly bored I probably won't change it.
I had a lot of fun making the confession booth. "I'm sorry Father I have sinned. It has been a year since my last confession... I... I have been listening to Lady Gaga... On repeat."
"YOU WHAT!? The God of Rock forgives you. You need to listen to the entire album of Led Zeppelin III and two random songs of The Beatles."

The map has changed something fierce as well. I have a massive boner (full stop. Wink wink, nudge nudge.) for maps, so I thought I could add a picture of the difference. The left is old, the right is new. I really like seeing the world change from "above".
Then, by suggestion of Alun, I built a fishing hut. I called it The Fisherman's Friend. (Not the cough drops.)

I have digressed. But that's OK, because I've finished yappin'.
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
I now have removed one of the options of where I wanted to build the church, but I kind of set up a new place. I'm going to ask again.
Halp plix!
The red whale is where the other suggestion were, but it felt a little cramped with so many other details so close to it.So I took it out of the loop. But these places have a lot of space around it for possible mausoleums.
Okay. So here they are a little closer. I outlined the creepy graveyards too for shits and giggles. It was fun. I wish there was a way to decide the colour of the grass too. I'd definitely make this creepy eerie thing with blue-green grass and DOOM painted all over.
I implore you, Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr.
Help me make the best choice. :P
(Oh, cabin names are still welcome!)
I now have removed one of the options of where I wanted to build the church, but I kind of set up a new place. I'm going to ask again.
Halp plix!
The red whale is where the other suggestion were, but it felt a little cramped with so many other details so close to it.So I took it out of the loop. But these places have a lot of space around it for possible mausoleums.
Okay. So here they are a little closer. I outlined the creepy graveyards too for shits and giggles. It was fun. I wish there was a way to decide the colour of the grass too. I'd definitely make this creepy eerie thing with blue-green grass and DOOM painted all over.
I implore you, Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr.
Help me make the best choice. :P
(Oh, cabin names are still welcome!)
Bonus picture: The hanging Chicken. :P I think it's hilarious anyway. :P
Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Minecraft pun-related title.
Yeah. I know I know.
I just really like playing Minecraft. And I don't have a life. So-uh... You know how it is. This is my life now. I am Minecraft.
Anyway. I am going to ask for a little help from my friends now on the big crazy interwebz, as I'm having a bit of a dillemma.
I am going to build a church-like thing with a graveyard and stuff around it. But I don't know where to build it!
So let's try this thing.
OK. I built two box-thing-churches because I can't decide where to put it.
I put some podzol where I intend to have the graveyard so it's fairly easy to estimate from where I stuffed the outlines of the churches.
First location: This will be a fairly small church, and it will be kinda cramped in very close to the garden where I have all the vegetables. I don't think the location is too too ideal, but I WILL be able to build a crypt in here that will look natural and won't need to be dug out too much. The church-thing won't be too big either, but that's OK. The graveyard (podzol/brown crap) will look sort of cool as it is in levels too.
Second location: I think this might be a more ideal location, however it looks a little weird and kind of out of place, but there is a lot more space to play with and it won't look too cramped. The graveyard will look flatter and not too crazy. Which will be easier to build on. However, I really do like the idea of having a crypt. And I am not too sure it will look too good under there. I don't know.
Anyway, I have built a couple of new things. That I'd like to show off. Because that is my nature. Totally a show-off. They're not even that great. That's the best part.

So I built a toilet. Thanks to the suggestion of a friend of mine.
Unfortunately though, there was a gas-leak in there. It left it in a dangerous state and also attracted a frightening amount of zombies. It's hard to say why, but that's how it is.

If anyone want to suggest a name for my cabin, as well, please feel free! I am all about the audience participation today. What a wild child.
Then I built a gazebo. I thought the little hilltop looked so bare and thought a vantage point would be cool. I am not sure about the roof at all, though. It looks a little strange. But I don't care about that at the moment. However I should probably fix things before I build new things.... But I won't... Colon, capital p.
Before I changed to my new computer, I started building this greenhouse. It's too small. But I thought it would be cool to have one of those overgrown-like little botanical garden-ish places. They always seem so cosy and kind of mysterious and full of fun stuff to discover!
Well, that was enough showing off for me. I'm hoping for some help, here, that would be really awesome! I can't wait to start building now!
I just really like playing Minecraft. And I don't have a life. So-uh... You know how it is. This is my life now. I am Minecraft.
Anyway. I am going to ask for a little help from my friends now on the big crazy interwebz, as I'm having a bit of a dillemma.

So let's try this thing.
OK. I built two box-thing-churches because I can't decide where to put it.
I put some podzol where I intend to have the graveyard so it's fairly easy to estimate from where I stuffed the outlines of the churches.
First location: This will be a fairly small church, and it will be kinda cramped in very close to the garden where I have all the vegetables. I don't think the location is too too ideal, but I WILL be able to build a crypt in here that will look natural and won't need to be dug out too much. The church-thing won't be too big either, but that's OK. The graveyard (podzol/brown crap) will look sort of cool as it is in levels too.
Second location: I think this might be a more ideal location, however it looks a little weird and kind of out of place, but there is a lot more space to play with and it won't look too cramped. The graveyard will look flatter and not too crazy. Which will be easier to build on. However, I really do like the idea of having a crypt. And I am not too sure it will look too good under there. I don't know.
Anyway, I have built a couple of new things. That I'd like to show off. Because that is my nature. Totally a show-off. They're not even that great. That's the best part.

So I built a toilet. Thanks to the suggestion of a friend of mine.
Unfortunately though, there was a gas-leak in there. It left it in a dangerous state and also attracted a frightening amount of zombies. It's hard to say why, but that's how it is.

If anyone want to suggest a name for my cabin, as well, please feel free! I am all about the audience participation today. What a wild child.
Then I built a gazebo. I thought the little hilltop looked so bare and thought a vantage point would be cool. I am not sure about the roof at all, though. It looks a little strange. But I don't care about that at the moment. However I should probably fix things before I build new things.... But I won't... Colon, capital p.

Well, that was enough showing off for me. I'm hoping for some help, here, that would be really awesome! I can't wait to start building now!
Tuesday, 5 August 2014
The Simsalgia
I found the Sims on Sunday! The first game! And I am so happy! Nostalgia and old cheat codes came rushing back, when the music started playing and I joyously started cheating the shit out of this game.
Yes, I am a cheater. My name is Maria and I am The Cheater. A filthy, filthy cheater. I like having the house the way I want it to begin with.
However I'd rather go broke after spending my last penny on a grand piano and get a job after that and work for the money afterwards though. Oh, how many maids have stomped angrily away from my house, sending me angry letters with abuse in them after. Leaving me having to clean up my own house.... O cruel world. You won't believe how dirty my Sim is. SO very, very, very filthy. There are cockroaches involved. I do not enjoy it when the cockroaches are involved. Little squares of disgusting little brown splodges on the screen. Often accompanied with flies. They are a joy. Oh and I should not forget to mention the raccoons. THE RACCOONS!!! THEY KNOW I STRUGGLE WITH KEEPING THE HOUSE CLEAN, THEY KNOW IT! BUT STILL THEY GO INTO MY LITTER AND ACTIVELY TRY AND MAKE AN EVEN BIGGER MESS! I rejoice every time I call the exterminator. I leave my Sim to do her/his own business and actively scroll down to wherever the man and intruding pixels are and watch them BURN IN RIGHTEOUS FIRE (you get an awesome point if you get where that's from)!
If you say it is karmic justice, I will beat you.
That's right. I have lowered myself to making threats.
Living like a rich mother fucker, hardly able to afford food is not fun. However when the job is sorted, I thoroughly enjoy my surroundings, splashing out on pizza in the afternoon, adopting a dog-cat and a cat-dog... And so on. Then possibly becoming, and/or struggling to become a superstar, which by the way, is hard. Holy hallway, getting friendly with those bastards is 1) a chore and 2) I've realised that butt hole-licking is not my thing. Patience is really and truly not my strong side. Not only that, getting up in star-levels is hard! That "Hollywood" place sucks out all the joy you have before you got there, and starts swivelling it around in its mouth before it spits it back at you, now FILLED with lovely hunger, boredom and a bigger sleep deprivation than any lawyer working to "prove" his guilty convict isn't guilty.
It's not a nice scene.
It is where the predators thrive, and Obsessive Fans breed. It is a nay-place. Heh... Or a Neigh-place. There were no horses involved in this post so far, so that that pun was ponilicious (punny.. pony. It almost makes sense.) without anything to refer back to makes me sad. But I refuse to remove it.
I digress.
I really enjoyed getting back to The Sims again. After the CD's "mysteriously disappeared" (read: Mother cleaned them away to a faraway mysterious and magical land) I haven't had a chance to play it.
That's OK though. There are other and probably better games out there. And for your information, I am really happy I didn't ever get a dog in real life when I was at the "when-the-Sims-came-out"-age, because calling my dog Tussa is not OK. Ever. My Sims dogs got the full blow on that, fortunately.
Thanks, fare thee well.
Yes, I am a cheater. My name is Maria and I am The Cheater. A filthy, filthy cheater. I like having the house the way I want it to begin with.
![]() |
The cheated house in question. I forgot how many lights you actually needed to sufficiently illuminate the room you were in. |
If you say it is karmic justice, I will beat you.
That's right. I have lowered myself to making threats.
![]() |
Sort your life out, What's-Your-Face. You haven't slept in days, you grow your own food, and you are terrible at it. Whaaaaatareyouooooooon! |
It's not a nice scene.
It is where the predators thrive, and Obsessive Fans breed. It is a nay-place. Heh... Or a Neigh-place. There were no horses involved in this post so far, so that that pun was ponilicious (punny.. pony. It almost makes sense.) without anything to refer back to makes me sad. But I refuse to remove it.
I digress.
I really enjoyed getting back to The Sims again. After the CD's "mysteriously disappeared" (read: Mother cleaned them away to a faraway mysterious and magical land) I haven't had a chance to play it.
That's OK though. There are other and probably better games out there. And for your information, I am really happy I didn't ever get a dog in real life when I was at the "when-the-Sims-came-out"-age, because calling my dog Tussa is not OK. Ever. My Sims dogs got the full blow on that, fortunately.
Thanks, fare thee well.
Friday, 25 July 2014
Cushioned Bum
In the light of my incredibly healthy holiday so far, I decided to compose a poem of what I have been doing. I am so clever it's insane. It's actually insane. Holy shit, guys. I am so fucking smart.
I should write an entire post in sarcasm. That would be fucking great. So I will continue that from now on.
Anyway, the poem is hither.
And I call it:
"The life of a ballerina.
You sit
on your arse.
Painting a picture
with your posture
You are getting fat my friend.
Because you move.
Nor make any attempt to.
You swine.
I am that swine."
I bet that fucking blew your god damn mind.
It's like my poetry changed me, even though I was the one writing it. I can't imagine what it would do to other people. It's like I was transported into an alternative dimension, holding my breath whilst also trying to remember all the numbers in pi. FUCK I'm deep. Like a lake, made of a sinkhole. A lakehole! ...Or a sinklake. But that wasn't as good. ..Sinke! Slake... S.. Nevermind.
It's like I should just blow my god damn head off for being such a genius.
That's how you get famous, you know.
And fame is all that matters. I mean, God, I am so worthless for not being famous. Everyone who's not famous is fucking worthless.
Gossip is the fucking shit.
OK enough with the sarcasm.
I've got nothing interesting to say, so I will stop now.
I should write an entire post in sarcasm. That would be fucking great. So I will continue that from now on.
Anyway, the poem is hither.
And I call it:
"The life of a ballerina.
You sit
on your arse.
Painting a picture
with your posture
You are getting fat my friend.
Because you move.
Nor make any attempt to.
You swine.
I am that swine."
I bet that fucking blew your god damn mind.
It's like my poetry changed me, even though I was the one writing it. I can't imagine what it would do to other people. It's like I was transported into an alternative dimension, holding my breath whilst also trying to remember all the numbers in pi. FUCK I'm deep. Like a lake, made of a sinkhole. A lakehole! ...Or a sinklake. But that wasn't as good. ..Sinke! Slake... S.. Nevermind.
It's like I should just blow my god damn head off for being such a genius.
That's how you get famous, you know.
And fame is all that matters. I mean, God, I am so worthless for not being famous. Everyone who's not famous is fucking worthless.
Gossip is the fucking shit.
OK enough with the sarcasm.
I've got nothing interesting to say, so I will stop now.
Sunday, 29 June 2014
Letter for badguys #2
I was inspired to make another "Letters for badguys". Because I enjoyed making the other one quite a lot.
The angry adoptive father's note to the monster mama in, well, Mama:
A note from a father to an Insidious (see what I did there?), angry old ghost-hag:
"Yeah. I'd very much like my body back now... I'm getting a little... Can I have my body back now? You kno-GIVE ME MY BODY BACK!!"
The Evil Dead demon-evils are being addressed by the cabin-dwellers:
"Hey mother fuckers. Prepare to say hello to my little boom stick. YEAH! Groovy. - Ash"
The Cabin in the Woods people addresses the monsters:
"I know my cousin is pretty liberal about letting people borrow his cabin and all, but, you know, wrecking the place and in addition killing his family and friends is a pretty indecent thing to do. How about you, you know, return to your graves or wherever, and we'll call it even, yeah?
Sincerely, Kurt"
To Event Horizon, from its designer.
"Dear spaceship. I remember back in the day when you had the prospect of becoming the Greatest Invention Ever (TM), from the Best Mind Ever (TM). I enjoyed those days, spaceship. Then you went and disappeared. What the hell, spaceship. What the hell. Then you show up again... Anyway, I'd just like you to know that I will be back for you.
Kisses, Dr. William Weir."
Pandorum, the astronauts take a stand.
"Okay, evolution would like to withdraw you assholes from whence you came: PREPARE TO GET WET! And by that I mean you'll drown! HAAA HAAA HAAAAAAAA!!!!
- Bob
P.S. Miranda, if you can read this, it means you have not become their grub yet. Good. I urge you to go into a pod and launch it! See you on the new planet! Love you! XXXXX
P.P.S. Monster-person, if you read this, disregard the previous statement. Miranda is totally made up."
The angry adoptive father's note to the monster mama in, well, Mama:
A note from a father to an Insidious (see what I did there?), angry old ghost-hag:
"Yeah. I'd very much like my body back now... I'm getting a little... Can I have my body back now? You kno-GIVE ME MY BODY BACK!!"
The Evil Dead demon-evils are being addressed by the cabin-dwellers:
"Hey mother fuckers. Prepare to say hello to my little boom stick. YEAH! Groovy. - Ash"
The Cabin in the Woods people addresses the monsters:
"I know my cousin is pretty liberal about letting people borrow his cabin and all, but, you know, wrecking the place and in addition killing his family and friends is a pretty indecent thing to do. How about you, you know, return to your graves or wherever, and we'll call it even, yeah?
Sincerely, Kurt"
To Event Horizon, from its designer.
"Dear spaceship. I remember back in the day when you had the prospect of becoming the Greatest Invention Ever (TM), from the Best Mind Ever (TM). I enjoyed those days, spaceship. Then you went and disappeared. What the hell, spaceship. What the hell. Then you show up again... Anyway, I'd just like you to know that I will be back for you.
Kisses, Dr. William Weir."
Pandorum, the astronauts take a stand.
"Okay, evolution would like to withdraw you assholes from whence you came: PREPARE TO GET WET! And by that I mean you'll drown! HAAA HAAA HAAAAAAAA!!!!
- Bob
P.S. Miranda, if you can read this, it means you have not become their grub yet. Good. I urge you to go into a pod and launch it! See you on the new planet! Love you! XXXXX
P.P.S. Monster-person, if you read this, disregard the previous statement. Miranda is totally made up."
Friday, 30 May 2014
Cardiff Conundrum mark 2
I'm such a sad person... I immediately went straight to "AMG SHE HAZ TEH SAME ACCENT AS AMY POND LOL!!"... Anyway... Turned out the Doc-man had some issues with being inside Pandora's box and all that. So we had to save him. But then we got to steer the Tardis and that's when shit went down. I mean I am an excellent Tardis driver so it couldn't possibly be me... *cough*
Well, however well we steered the Tardis it still managed go be intercepted by faulty Daleks. And then shit went down. I don't know about you, but my mother always said that if you encounter a faulty Dalek, you run.
After that, it went from bad to worse.
Not only did the Daleks pay a visit, no, the Weeping Angels also, somehow managed to join in on the fun. It was never explained how they got on, but I for one was glad Tom had a free hand. Oh Tom. Such a wonderful human shie... Human short-cake baker! Mhm! Totally what I meant to say.
And then some time-rift stuff happened and a lot of monsters were trying to touch us out of a 3D screen, which we all know, sorry to break it to you, is not possible.
I'm sorry! I'm sorry! But it looked cool though, I'll give them that.
In all seriousness there was a lot of cool science in there. We captured our shadows, we made a ball float, saw how much water our bodies contained etc. Very cool place, but like previously mentioned; flooded with kids.
We left Techniquest in order to go into Forbidden Planet (nerd shop #1) where some emptied there wallets out of admiration of all the "cool shit". However it must have been the other game shop that won on this Cardiff trip, as we thoroughly looted the shit out of its dice. Yes, dice.
It was amazing.
I think we all left satisfied and very tired.
I love those guys.
Thanks for all the memories darlings! I will miss you all!
-untill we meet again!
Thursday, 29 May 2014
The Bachelor
I can't believe how fast these 3 years have gone by. It has been crazy.
I will leave Friday, or the 30th with all the stuff I have slowly accumulated throughout these three years and it is a little bit sad. I also am wondering how in the nine hells I will actually manage to get it all back, but that is a problem not meant to be internetized.
(That is now a word. You're welcome Scrabble people. (If you need it in a sentence, here goes: "My God, Molly! You're so internetized!" You're welcome. (Yeah.. My ego is pretty inflated. I enjoy the buoyancy that a great big ego provides. I guess that's what being internetized does to you.)))
For our dissertation we could choose to do an independent performance, solo, or make a company with other actors and create a piece that way. Or you could join the Unknown Pleasures project which we are the 7th year in the row to do. That is pretty cool I think.
I chose to be a part of Unknown Pleasures because I thought working with an external practitioner would be very useful in the sense that I can see how other directors work in a not-as-such-academic environment (even though it was in one... But pish posh.).
Our Director, Gerald Tyler, was amazing. I loved working with him.
He did have a very different way of working, which I thought was... Well... Different... But it was an interesting experience. And I'd like to hope that he found us interesting to work with too.
The ignorants (whom were clones, shielded from "reality" or the outside.) were meant to be slightly Asperger-like in behaviour, moving together or in waves. Doing that took a long time. It could be a little tedious, but it had to be done. I think the end-result was pretty cool. Even though I didn't see it all from the audience's perspective, I did see bits from it and they looked really good. Everyone did so well.
I am very proud to have done this work with all of these amazing people and I think we all did a great job with the piece. Jamie, one of the Technical Theatre students made a time-lapse of the three performances we did as well as the get-out, which was really neat.
I need to show off, of course... Here it is!
Or if that has been taken down then I've got screenshots right here. It's not that I am narcissistic, (that's probably just, hmmm... 90% of it? Joking... Joking...) I'm just really proud of both myself and just all of us, having helped create this world that Gerald made up.
This is another post. A different one. We had a photographer come in and take pictures one day. So it's a little awkward and stubby. I won't post the pictures here, even though I want to, there's just so many people to ask for permission if I do.. X)

My parents, Rebekka and grandma (hereby known as Farmor) came down to see it, which was really cool. I enjoyed having them over, albeit a short time. They seemed to really like Swansea, so when I was working and rehearsing, they were looking around, shopping (Rebekka went a little nuts. Not gonna lie.) and uncovering little restaurant-gems. We went to Mumbles for a little nose-around as well and went to a pebble beach. Farmor, Rebekka and I sat down and enjoyed an amazing mint icecream and lazed in the sun whilst mum and dad went exploring on a little hiking trail. I believe it was Langland Bay we found, and it was gorgeous there.
We went down the steps and looked for nice looking pebbles for a while (as you do), whilst waiting for The Parents and then we plodded along towards a coffee shop we could rest our weary feet in. We went into a little café called Mumbles and enjoyed lovely cup of coffee before we went back into town and Rebekka went ballistic with shopping in Primark.
Oh lawdy lawd. There is a lot... And then there is a LOT.
She was in the latter category.
Ah. Anyway, these 3 years of university has definitely been an adventure, and I hope I have made friends for life here.
I can't wait for the reunion! However, for now, Norway will have to be the next adventure.
Thanks for these past years, I will miss our little performing arts family!
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
It looks like a weird flower! -Taken from a plane, the city of... God only knows.. |
I'm now back in Swansea with my lovely classmates and friends and rehearsals have started at full force.
The Easter holiday was really nice. First, I sat on my arse a lot, playing WoW with my sister. Then I saw some friends and we went to Ose and the cabin we have there. Which was nice.
We played Clue a lot. I freaking love Clue.
"Was it the blue one in the fireplace WITH A FUCKING BOOT!?"
I totally rock at it, of course...
I may have lied in my previous statement. May.
We also went a bit to Okse, where we also have a cabin (don't even. The cabins are both TINY.), and which happens to be my favourite one... Because it's awesome. Saw a couple of family members there and their kids. Painted faces (which I kind of hope they strugged to get off, because that would be amazing) and hands and shit. We didn't paint shit. It's just a great word to end sentences with.
I also discovered I had taken a disgustingly large number of cat photos. Like a litter full of them (hah!). Kittens. Cat... pun...
So I will inflict those on you (some. Not all. You'd be stuck forever then.), like the exceptionally good person that I am. (DO NOT QUESTION THIS STATEMENT!!!!)
Look at him! He is such a little cutie! He's all "hey, I am your cat and I am amazingly hairy. You want to touch me, don't you. WELL YOU CAN'T BECAUSE I AM _THAT_ AMAZING!!"
- That should, of course, be read in a stereotypical British accent, because, as you know, that's how cats speak.
You didn't know? Well now you do! Consider yourself enriched. You learn things here. This is a place of learning.
You may now go into the world spreading your knowledge, like, all over it!
Yeah, so last time I saw then Vitani, he was a girl. So coming back to Nuka the boy was a bit weird. But also kind of awesome. Because then I won't lie when I say "I have boys over all the time!"
Or: "I sleep with dudes (however that would only be correct if we had more male cats..) all the time!" which makes me sound TOTALLY inappropriate, which is why it is so funny.
My cat and me, posing, cuddling and being adorable. Me, not the cat. Jokes. Jokes. |
It had great potential, but then I sort of just ruined it. What a chump.
"Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." |
I felt like I breathed in a billion spores. I'm sure those fungi enjoy my lungs. They are moist aren't they? Lungs, I mean.
I had a little bit of a Google search and found they are indeed moist.
I told you, a place of learning! You should start having faith, man. Being so negative all the time inhibits the learning experience!
Yeah, so, where was I? You are totally distracted by the cat cuddling a fluffy plush animal aren't you. Yeeeaaah you are.
The fluffy-cuddly thing was very popular. In the sense he wanted to murder it every chance he got. I'm not sure what Colourful Fluffy (CF) did to Kit, but he seemed very offended when he was hanging off of Fluffy's foot.
It was a harrowing experience for CF. He didn't want to see anyone for a week. A week!
You know there is some serious trauma involved when a fluffy and colourful plush-thing doesn't wanna see anyone for a week.
Nuka was all "I apologised like a million times, man!" (this time in an American accent)
CF was all "Oh heeeeeyell no! *snap snap snap*" (like an old American black woman)
Then Nuka was all "BUT I've saveded all my treatz 4 u!" (Because in reality, let's be honest, he IS a cat. He probably doesn't care about grammar.)
But CF didn't want his shit and was like "I QUIT!" and marched out the door like the proud ostrich.. dinosaur... armless creature that he or she is.
When I think about it, I guess we could have been nicer to CF, as we don't even seem to know his/her gender...
LOOK! A crotch! |
My cat is awesome and I love him.
I think he has mixed feelings on me, however.
Whenever I go to hug him he's all "NO!!! I IS TEH BIZZI DOIN BIZNIZ! FAQ YOO! I VILL USE U AS TEH SCRATCH-POST!!" which is totally not true. Because whenever he is playful he likes to run away. And then demolish my mother's curtains/sofas/chairs/whatever he is able to destroy. So she stepped on him to teach him a lesson.
Which is a total lie again. Well she totally stepped on him, but it was an accident. And he was fine after. Just a little shaken up. But fine. Which is great.
... I have not had great experiences with computer-fixers in the past...
These seemed ('seemed' being the key word, here. I will not draw conclusions until I get it back) to be OK enough. And they didn't take THAT long to get it fixed... That is a bit of a lie. 5 weeks is kind of long. The repair-people didn't take long though as they were waiting for parts. The "diagnostics" (read: turning it off and on again) took ages though.
....This was not meant to be a rant-post, but I guess it kind of turned into one. I don't like it when I don't get things that work properly.
I know it's not really MEANT to be an innuendo, and that Sarge is really rather meant to be illustrated to sing bad, but when you just go censoring words willy (heh) nilly, you will, some day, happen to censor at the very spot you so desperately tried to avoid. What a chump. You should be ashamed censorship-man. Or lady.
Actually, not really, because it was kind of awesome stumbling upon it.
Right. I think this will suffice. I hope you learned important things.
Friday, 11 April 2014
Enough Minecraft solo-style already!
...BUT ALAS! I like to show off, so that is not EVER going to happen.
I have built some new shit in my world so naturally I want to show it off.. Because that is the kind of person I am. I show off. Because I am a shower offer.
OK I think you get the point.
So I decided to build a guard tower over the plain where I used to have the horses. I added a brewery to the bottom of it to use the space there. It looked a little weird without it.
Then I scrapped the whole "Tower" idea, because it looked a lot shoddy, FOOL. I went for the platform expanded in the air only to decide that "hey no, that is silly. I know Minecraft has got weird physics laws, but MY TOWER-THING ain't gonna be apart of that!" ...As much as it usually does. So I thought that if it was held up by the stairs it could look cool. I'm still not entirely sure about it...
Then I built a mine-thing with a jetty for, well, my mine. Made stairs for the exit and shit. Not very exciting, really. But it looks a lot better now than when it was just an open hole...
Well that's my opinion anyhow.
I built stables for those poor horse-bastards!
If they were real horses, they'd be dead ages ago. BUT NOT ANY MORE! They would just thirst now... BUT NEIGH (heh..), they will live prosperous now. And stuff. Took me fucking ages, it did.
I can just say, straight away, that I cheated the shit out of this tower. No way did I have as much quartz as I used in this clock tower.
The clock does not work by the way. I tried, but I haven't got the smartz for that kind of fiddling with redstone, nor do I have the patience.
Actually I have never even tried.
Well I did a bit on the clock, but then I gave up. But I have never really given it a proper shot.
But for now, levers are the One True Saviour.
A GALLOWS! For those naughty chickens.
Also a fairly decent way of gathering eggs/food.
MWAHAHA! Chicken Massacre.
The soil is stained red in the chicken coop.
So glad physics aren't as they are in real life, in Minecraft.... I'd be screwed all kinds of ways...
No matter... :D
A pool for those hot summer days... I decided I liked the camp-site place, so I made it into a barbecue-by-the-pool instead. I must admit I did cheat a couple of quartz blocks for this too.
And some lamps...
I cheated the pool entirely.
I've been very bad.
I'm not ashamed!
And thus concludes this time's CRAAAAAAZYYYY Minecraft Solo-style!
I have built some new shit in my world so naturally I want to show it off.. Because that is the kind of person I am. I show off. Because I am a shower offer.
OK I think you get the point.

Then I scrapped the whole "Tower" idea, because it looked a lot shoddy, FOOL. I went for the platform expanded in the air only to decide that "hey no, that is silly. I know Minecraft has got weird physics laws, but MY TOWER-THING ain't gonna be apart of that!" ...As much as it usually does. So I thought that if it was held up by the stairs it could look cool. I'm still not entirely sure about it...
Then I built a mine-thing with a jetty for, well, my mine. Made stairs for the exit and shit. Not very exciting, really. But it looks a lot better now than when it was just an open hole...
Well that's my opinion anyhow.
I built stables for those poor horse-bastards!
If they were real horses, they'd be dead ages ago. BUT NOT ANY MORE! They would just thirst now... BUT NEIGH (heh..), they will live prosperous now. And stuff. Took me fucking ages, it did.
I can just say, straight away, that I cheated the shit out of this tower. No way did I have as much quartz as I used in this clock tower.
The clock does not work by the way. I tried, but I haven't got the smartz for that kind of fiddling with redstone, nor do I have the patience.
Actually I have never even tried.
Well I did a bit on the clock, but then I gave up. But I have never really given it a proper shot.
But for now, levers are the One True Saviour.
A GALLOWS! For those naughty chickens.
Also a fairly decent way of gathering eggs/food.
MWAHAHA! Chicken Massacre.
The soil is stained red in the chicken coop.
So glad physics aren't as they are in real life, in Minecraft.... I'd be screwed all kinds of ways...
No matter... :D
A pool for those hot summer days... I decided I liked the camp-site place, so I made it into a barbecue-by-the-pool instead. I must admit I did cheat a couple of quartz blocks for this too.
And some lamps...
I cheated the pool entirely.
I've been very bad.
I'm not ashamed!
And thus concludes this time's CRAAAAAAZYYYY Minecraft Solo-style!
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