We went to Cardiff again! Philippa was meant to come with, but work summoned her.... Unfortunately... She popped by Swansea on Monday instead, though, which was really nice! So we got to see her before we leave both Nicole and myself. So it's safe to say we both were really happy to see her then.

Anyway, Nicole, Alun, Jamie, Tom and I went to Cardiff! We went straight to the Doctor Who experience (which was awesome) where a scottish girl greeted us and led us through the perils of what is the Doctor's life.
I'm such a sad person... I immediately went straight to "AMG SHE HAZ TEH SAME ACCENT AS AMY POND LOL!!"... Anyway... Turned out the Doc-man had some issues with being inside Pandora's box and all that. So we had to save him. But then we got to steer the Tardis and that's when shit went down. I mean I am an excellent Tardis driver so it couldn't possibly be me... *cough*
Well, however well we steered the Tardis it still managed go be intercepted by faulty Daleks. And then shit went down. I don't know about you, but my mother always said that if you encounter a faulty Dalek, you run.

Bitches don't mess with Mother's Logic (TM).
After that, it went from bad to worse.
Not only did the Daleks pay a visit, no, the Weeping Angels also, somehow managed to join in on the fun. It was never explained how they got on, but I for one was glad Tom had a free hand. Oh Tom. Such a wonderful human shie... Human short-cake baker! Mhm! Totally what I meant to say.
And then some time-rift stuff happened and a lot of monsters were trying to touch us out of a 3D screen, which we all know, sorry to break it to you, is not possible.
I'm sorry! I'm sorry! But it looked cool though, I'll give them that.

Then the tour was finished, if I recall correctly. And we could start taking pictures. The Gang lept into a photobooth of the expensive variety and took a quirky yet awesome picture. It is somewhere in all my boxes of crap, so I can't really be arsed fishing that out at this moment in time.

We strode around inside where all the holy props were carefully placed for a little while, a lot of selfies were made on my part, because that is what I'm like, before heading for giftshop and food.

Techniquest was next on our agenda, and judging by the amount of children there, it would be a thriving place for paedophiles. We soldiered on and lept in with such confidence we may ACTUALLY have shook the building a little. And I mean the kind of shaking that kids do to pop-bottles before graciously serving them to a trusting parent-figure before they open it and recieve the entire contents of said bottle in their face. Which is probably why all the paedophiles stayed away from us. I mean they could at least have said hi.... Like... Come on... Someone must have taught them manners!

I am joking.... Though I should probably learn that this is often the type of jokes people would frown upon. Not today, though.
In all seriousness there was a lot of cool science in there. We captured our shadows, we made a ball float, saw how much water our bodies contained etc. Very cool place, but like previously mentioned; flooded with kids.
We left Techniquest in order to go into Forbidden Planet (nerd shop #1) where some emptied there wallets out of admiration of all the "cool shit". However it must have been the other game shop that won on this Cardiff trip, as we thoroughly looted the shit out of its dice. Yes, dice.
It was amazing.
I think we all left satisfied and very tired.

It was a very good trip. We all had loot, we were all content and it was all marvellous. Nicole started patting Jamie with her poster as well, which was hilarious. And kind of cute.
I love those guys.
Thanks for all the memories darlings! I will miss you all!
-untill we meet again!
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