Thursday, 3 January 2013


So... In all my hype of finally being home, I managed to get mono.
The kissing disease.
And not flying through it with style and grace, either, I'm talking "lying on the sofa questioning your existence"-ill.
It was actually so bad I nearly got chucked in the hospital. Fortunately, I managed to drink enough by myself so that I didn't have to.
I hate mono.
I can safely say that I am over the moon about not getting it again. This is the worst I have ever been.
Eating is still agony, but I'm fortunately getting better and better.

So that was today's whiny update.

Happy New Year! :)


  1. Get better, and please don't kiss me.

  2. Haha, I won't :D Not yet anyway *wiggle eyebrows* hurr hurr... :P
