Friday, 6 July 2018

My Dad Wrote a Porno!

I went to Oslo on Wednesday and met up with Mjørn (Maren) and Louise, ate an amazing icecream and went to see My Dad Wrote a Porno! :D
That icecream was amazing, by the way. Like insane. So good.
We went to eat at a pirate-themed place that had some really good chips. We made a lot of noise there. Mjørn and Loisen charmed the server thoroughly. ;)
It was so ridiculously nice to see them again. :)
I got to stay at Rebekka and Rene's house, which was so nice of them.

The show was so funny. I was sure I would physically melt away in that room, though, it was so warm! They made a proper show out of Rocky Flintstone's anatomy mishaps, which was hysterical. Made us shout out where the cervix was. It was great.
I really recommend listening to that podcast. And going to the liveshow.

Then I saw two colleagues, one whom just had a baby! It was lovely to see them again. Got to play with her son, too. Which was fun. Holding the baby was scary, though. They are too small. TOO SMALL! Super cute, but they are so fragile! If you look at them wrong, they break!
It was really nice to catch up with them.

Then at the weekend we left for their (Rebekka and Rene's) cabin. And it was so nice there! They had decorated it like it was from the 60-70's. It was beautiful! I really like their style. It's so cool. And they are really good at going to fleamarkets and getting old goodies  too, so it was very thorough.
We chilled, relaxed and maxed all cool. And went to Sweden on the Saturday. Cheep sweets (yes, yes, I realise people go there for the booze, but I am honestly more interested in the sweets X) Honestly, this should be everyone's priority if you ask me ;) Hurr hurr.) and went bathing after. Which was definitely awesome, considering how warm it had been that week. It's actually insane how hot it is, really, in general.

Anyway, was an amazing trip, and was so glad I could stay with them and just chill out. Good times (tm) :P

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