Friday, 6 July 2018

My Dad Wrote a Porno!

I went to Oslo on Wednesday and met up with Mjørn (Maren) and Louise, ate an amazing icecream and went to see My Dad Wrote a Porno! :D
That icecream was amazing, by the way. Like insane. So good.
We went to eat at a pirate-themed place that had some really good chips. We made a lot of noise there. Mjørn and Loisen charmed the server thoroughly. ;)
It was so ridiculously nice to see them again. :)
I got to stay at Rebekka and Rene's house, which was so nice of them.

The show was so funny. I was sure I would physically melt away in that room, though, it was so warm! They made a proper show out of Rocky Flintstone's anatomy mishaps, which was hysterical. Made us shout out where the cervix was. It was great.
I really recommend listening to that podcast. And going to the liveshow.

Then I saw two colleagues, one whom just had a baby! It was lovely to see them again. Got to play with her son, too. Which was fun. Holding the baby was scary, though. They are too small. TOO SMALL! Super cute, but they are so fragile! If you look at them wrong, they break!
It was really nice to catch up with them.

Then at the weekend we left for their (Rebekka and Rene's) cabin. And it was so nice there! They had decorated it like it was from the 60-70's. It was beautiful! I really like their style. It's so cool. And they are really good at going to fleamarkets and getting old goodies  too, so it was very thorough.
We chilled, relaxed and maxed all cool. And went to Sweden on the Saturday. Cheep sweets (yes, yes, I realise people go there for the booze, but I am honestly more interested in the sweets X) Honestly, this should be everyone's priority if you ask me ;) Hurr hurr.) and went bathing after. Which was definitely awesome, considering how warm it had been that week. It's actually insane how hot it is, really, in general.

Anyway, was an amazing trip, and was so glad I could stay with them and just chill out. Good times (tm) :P

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Saw John Cleese on the 12th!

That was pretty big for me. I love his comedy. It's so dry. It's amazing!
It was dadotron's birthday present. He said he liked it. Which was good.

I was really, really chuffed about it. The show, I mean. We got lots of background information from different productions. Like who Basil Fawlty was based on. Which was quite fun, I thought.
Thought processes and howstuff came to be & junk.

I really enjoyed it. It was a little like being in a comedy lecture, almost.
Except... You know... It wasn't. 

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Violin "virtuosa"...

I am totally a violin virtuosa. *Cough* (Yeah, if that didn't come across, it was heavy sarcasm. I am not good at this.😂)
Just writing a post about my progress. Or stale-gress (ahahaha! Haha! Aaaah.) For Future Maria. So she can laugh at me. Unless Future Maria gives it up. Then, obviously, I am laughing at her. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
That was me. Laughing at you, Future Maria. You suck! 

Moving swiftly on...
The 17th of May, I will have had my violin for 2 months. I am so excited about this. Not for any reason other than observing my own progress. As opposed to the beginning, when I was just floundering around. I am still floundering around, don't get me wrong, but the lessons and stuff is really helping, I feel.
Youtube lessons, that is.
I watch a tutor called Alison Sparrow (I really recommend checking her out. She does piano and violin lessons. She's amazing). She make these very informative videos with exercises and shit to do. AND DOES IT FOR FREE!! She has patreon, though, so if you want to do that, it's all good. But poor people like me will have to support later. I definitely will do. She has helped me to recognise notes in accordance to where my fingers should be on the violin, and after realising that I did one phrase without struggling and looking at the violin, I was so fucking happy.
I didn't realise I had done it until I swapped to a harder exercise. 😁
I cannot recommend her videos enough. She really deserve the highest form of props there is. 

It is so much fun to play. Even if it's really, REALLY fucking frustrating sometimes. Like with the Sherlock (BBC) theme. I've been practising that for ages and I still can't get it right. I feel like I never improve either, so it is getting a little demoralising. Or the Game of Thrones theme. It was my nemesis for a while, but after trying the Sherlock theme, I've forgiven it a little. It's easier in the sense of "newbie notes", but I still struggle with playing in general, really. I still have those lovely screeches if my bow doesn't hit the strings correctly. Which are always fun. I can't help but laugh then. And groan. Because I still can't get it right.😂

I try, now, to practice at LEAST 30 minutes a day. At the beginning I did everything from 5 minutes to an hour, so... It varied a bit.😅
I have new practicing tips too, now, so hopefully there will soon be an improvement.


If anyone wants to learn the violin at an adult age, I say go for it. It is so much fun. And even with a dirt-cheap instrument, you CAN learn to play. I am so happy I finally relented and gave it a try. 😊

...But fuck vibrato. Vibrato can go fuck itself. In the neck. With a dull knife.

Sunday, 15 April 2018

Violet Spellwing

I AM SO HAPPY!!!! Last night I was doing a "Friendship birb" raffle-thing, hoping to get a free boost of heroic Argus in Antorus. I didn't win. But the chat was kind of fun to follow...

ANYWAY, after having not-won 4 or 5 times (which is fair, there were like 300 people each round, entering and was 4-5 spots) I saw someone advertise the run. I lept at the chance.
150 000 gold. I speed-logged over on my warlock, my bank, and transferred.

I ran to Orgrimmar (not literally. I used a portal. I'm a mage. Come on. Running is for peasants.) and to the orc starting area. I was a little worried for a second I was scammed, but it turned out golden.

They pulled the boss. They did their thing. And then. IT WAS MINE!!!
The Blood of a Titan. I swiftly teleported to Dalaran. Got my Kirin Tor Summoning Crystal, and this puppy-bad-boy-kitten was mine!!!


Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Where Have All the Horrifying Colours Gone?

For April Fools, Malene and I made a mess of the guild. The rank names, and especially the guild crest will probably never properly recover. RIP in peace. We ravaged those things like a port in a storm. ... Or a storm near a port? Anyway, we are the storm. Because we ravaged the port. And the port is... The.. Guild... Is my weird and convoluted point.
But that ravaging also made me realise how much I wanted a horrifyingly pink transmog set. "Because," I thought to myself. "Who SHOULDN'T want to want a horrifying, harrowing, haunting and hoarse (I ran out of h-words. Don't judge me) transmog sets, for when you have to cooperate with others? It's like a present! For their eyes!"
And everybody love eye-presents.

Those who state otherwise, LIE!!!!

Anyway, here is my dream-mog. For the moment. I still don't have all the bits and pieces, and I could have sworn I had some more pink shoulders, but I couldn't find them, so I guess I don't. Yet. Otherwise... Look at this!
Isn't this just sex on a stick!?

I love it.

"Art" journal

So I have been trying to do a thing. Art journalling, more specifically. However I tend to either spazz out on the shit in the background or focus almost entirely on the journalling part (or diary, really.) which is neither arty or ... well. I guess it is journal-y.
These are pictures from my very first one. It is from a little over a year ago. If you attempt to read my awful handwriting, spoiler alert, the cat didn't make it. Was a fucking punch in the gut, or rather a cherry on top of the fucked up car-crash of what happened 5 months before and in-between. I was not in a great place. I doubt anyone is, in regards to death, to be fair.

The second picture, was a song my grandfather sang to us. Even as he was really sick he kept on singing. It was really lovely. I wanted to remember it. And even if I feel that song and moment is a little too private to share, I want to for myself. Paper burns, pictures get erased, memories are forgotten, but at least I have some of it here on my shitty little blog. :)

Saturday, 7 April 2018

April Fools

Jesus Christ, so many hours went into this April Fools joke!!!  
So naturally, I need to brag about it. 

Fucking Jesus in a carusel with a turnip, getting the pictures on the top there in this post was 1) a mess and 2) a giant hassle! Please excuse the gaps. I couldn't make them any tighter.

Right. Most of the work went into the group picture, but the banner decided to be a fucking hassle as well. So I had to make a smaller, more shit version. 

So basically the story was that we were converting Dark Horizon into an ERP guild. Which, on a "normal" realms, RPing is weird enough as it is. So naturally... Go one step further! :D

It was so much fun. I tried to start at like 6-7, but had so much trouble with the PC, so ended up only getting started at, like 10-11. Which was ridiculous. Anyway, when Malene and I got started with the posing and Facebook posts and all that jam, I don't think I have laughed so much in a long fucking while. It was hysterical. The perv factor was intense. It was awesome. 
Paint, the program, not the item. ...Fluid? ...Paint  was used to seamlessly (*cough*) cut and glue these sexy-ass beasts (all the pictures at the top of the post) into a group picture (The bottom of the page). Because getting other people to get undressed and pose for pictures are for AMATEURS!!!
On your left here, you can see both posing and dirty posing, you're welcome, for you to take to your special folder and look at when Mother and Father things you're asleep. It was so much fun. I can't state how much fun it was to much around in there. At one point Malene disappeared for me, and I to her. We thought we had been spotted by a Blizzard-dude and politely "asked" to stop what we were doing, but no. It was weird, though. I would have loved it if that was the case though. I wonder how they tackle Goldshire on RP realms. X)
I wish people believed it! It was a pretty silly prank, so there's no wonder they didn't. Next year I wanna do something bigger. Though I don't know what, yet. I should start planning already... But that is far too much effort. 
I am so happy Malene wanted to join this stupid joke. It was (as I might have mentioned a million times already) so much fun to do it! I am hoping for more people online and more people to fool next time! April 1st is definitely the best day of the year.  

Here it is, by the way. My pride and joy of filth and fun: