Saturday, 19 March 2016

Minecraft 2: The Rechurchening!

Ok, so I got pretty annoyed with how shitty the church looked before. So annoyed, in fact, that I went and tore it all down. It was a pretty shitty church to be fair.

My name is Marear Harylls, I have served with the special forces, I have built a house out of debris and built in the frozen waters of the arctic.
Today I will build an extreme and intense church. I will be tested like I have never been tested before.

When building a church, gaining the higher vantage point is beneficial so you are able to tell whether or not there are any dangers nearby, or if there is a place more suited to build. You should never just build it anywhere as there might be dangerous creatures lurking nearby. And getting killed is bad for morale.

I went into creative mode to gain a higher vantage point. I soared through the skies to observe the grounds most suitable to placing this blasted church. It was intense. The view was exhillerating.

I saw dramatic coastlines and rocky mountain tops. But I finally found a place to set down this church.
I realised I couldn't stop. I needed to see this all the way through.

I built like a champion.
I tested out the different perspectives, I tested building materials. I was getting down and dirty with this church. This blasted, blasted church. I took the building materials in my hands and got to it. It was an intense feeling.

I won't lie. I was about to give up a couple of times, but then I remembered what I was told by my trainer many years ago: I just had to drink my pee to stay hydrated. This gave me a moral boost. A much needed boost to keep on building.

What you need to know when building a blasted church, is to always keep food in your inventory. Otherwiser you may die. And nobody should die whilst building a blasted church. That is bad for morale and has nothing to do in our circle.

Whilst building, I realised it was getting dark. I needed to find shelter quick to survive the night.

Fortunately there was a small cabin nearby with a soft bed and accompanying bacon. I couldn't sleep there. There might be dangerous predaors around. So I kept searching and I found a cave right undernearth this cabin. I slept there that night. That gave me a morale boost.

In the morning the work continued. I started sweating profusely, so I needed to stay hydrated. I needed to find a source of water fast. Or I would surely die.

I had a hard time finding a pure source of water, so I had to drink my own pee. It is great in an emergency, and a place like this, where clean water is sparse.

OH MY GOD, come have a look! I found a wild porkchop grazing in the fields! They are rare, but very delicious. I would have to sneak up on my prey with an impressive amount of agility to get to eat tonight.

To sneak up on a porkchop you will need to go down-wind to make sure it doesn't catch your scent. I snuck up on it, but unfortunately the porkchop had sensed me. It started rolling away. I took chase and by some miracle I caught it.

That was good for morale, and it gave me a boost. I had just caught my dinner for that night. I was finally ready to keep building that blasted church.

This intense church building had left me a little weak. This was surely testing me, and I wasn't gonna let that defeat me. I stepped up the pace and kept building.

Finally I was starting to see progress. The feeling was intense.
The adrenaline was pumping and I was feeling faint. I realised I needed sustenance and I needed it fast.
I found a caterpillar slowly crawling by and I quickly stuck it in my mouth and started chewing. When Building in the wild, it is important to remember that caterpillars are always a great source of energy and minerals.

This building was a true test for me. My morale took a big hit when it came to the roof. I had no idea what to do about the windows and now there were also spears to consider. This has been the most extreme build I had ever made, and it was starting to take a toll on me.

I would have to keep building, and fast. Or I would surely perish in this blocky world. I could see predators starting to circling me and the building, and I knew that if I didn't complete it soon, I wouldn't complete it at all.

I strapped on my harness and started rapelling for no reason. It gave me a much needed moral boost and it made me feel utterly extreme. I needed to get the warmth back into my body, so I started taking some pointless press-ups to feel masculine and to get the sweat pumping. I was really hankering on something to drink. I needed to prepare my bladder for that.

As day turned to dusk, I started to see the fruits of my labour. I was done. I could not believe it.
I needed to find my way back to the helicopter. With that blasted church in the rearview mirror, I hiked back to where the helicopter was going to pick me up. Another mission complete. I am Marear Harylls. And I am Building Wild


  1. Holy moly! That looks amazing! I mean... the old one was good but this one beats the crap out of it!

    1. Woooh! Thanks a lot my darling grape! :D
