Wednesday, 10 July 2013


OK this is the scenario. Imagine somebody laughing out loud over something you said online.

Actually laughing.
And then proclaiming they did.

This makes me behave extremely silly. Or should I say awkward... I try to steer away from awkward as best as I can as it is so incredibly... Awkward... To be awkward! ...Fancy that....
Anyway, it's like a reward!
Don't get me wrong, I love hearing about it if I make a funny joke, it's just the fact that they are actually stating the fact that they laughed loudly about something I said.
That definitely puts me on the spot and pressures me into having to be more funny because that is apparently what I am now.
What they don't realise is that they have doomed my funniness.
From then on it's only god-awful jokes, their concept only half-made-up in my head, spouting like weed and spewed out like bug-repellent!
It's a fate worse than death. 

Don't get me wrong, I love hearing about it if I make a funny joke, it's just the fact that I am wired so weirdly I have to be stupid about it.
The end.

Here's a picture of my birthday muffins! Courtesy of Malene, that gorgeous bastard.

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