Monday, 29 July 2013


It's true.
The South has been invaded by an alien appearance, quite intimidating and with terrible mounts of hellish power!


This is the assailant. A mad, yet brilliant being, feared by many, killed by few. As she's still alive. Would make little sense if she was killed by many...
You can see the madness gleam through those goggles, can't you.. This is truly a foe to be feared. 

She rode her mighty steed into battle, with a fierce and firm grip on this's mane, safely guiding her forces into battle. Our numbers decreased alarmingly. How, we will never know, as their numbers were already fewer than ours, but they must have had some kind of magic on their side... Some kind of.. BLACK MAGIC!? (insert dramatic music here)

It was not pretty, the losses were unthinkable, yet she and her little army slew the southern army with deadly presicion.
A sort of dance were observed by some scouts prior to the battle. Performed mounted. Must be a part of the ritual. One can only assume this is what protected her fierce army...
The flailing arms and legs must be what strengthened our foes and made them swift and agile. Such a terrible sight, before our inevitable slaughter. The invasion was, regrettably, a success.
Malene fell too many of our people. The Skien air must have maddened her ears and scrambled her brains. Such a loss.

This is her dreaded army. Not fearing it would simply be foolish.
Their strength is undeniable. And fabulous.

Her army feasted upon our people's remains, so no burial were needed. Her fearless being surely recruited a lot of devilishly able, yet thirsty for blood, beings. Observe!

This swan and gull are visually harbouring ill feelings towards the scout. No wonder he never made it back alive... I hope you will heed this warning of Malene the Badass and her evil army. Beware especially her air-force. They are silent but deadly. Much like a fart. 

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Overly Attatched Ponyjunk

Cheez doodles are not meant to look like this. I was rather disappointing when I saw this, and  think I need some emotional trauma-payback so I can possibly get by... Without going insane(r).
I love those bastards. Best cheese snack ever.

Oh, when I was visiting Malene, I discovered the best invention in the history of inventions. It was a baby-piano thing, and it had the best freaking sounds ever in the history of sounds!
It had COW DUBSTEP! Yep. It's beyond its time with the ol' dubstep.
It was amazing.

They have extremely credible hippo sounds too. Which I had to record... I recorded this for Alan, originally, so you get to hear my terrible voice in the beginning... And... Various places.... I apologise. Not giggling in the video took a lot of freaking willpower (it shattered in the end there, but... Well... Malene started fiddling with it, so I couldn't stop myself)
Aaaand some doomy music (again, sorry about the terrible voice-thing in there). I thought that piano was tons of fun. I can't even describe how awesome it was. Truly an amazing gadget. A musical ... rebellion..?
Er, yes. Sure....
I need to say how much I sacrifised to make this, though. Public humiliation by putting those bastards on YouTube, and everything.... My first ever YouTube videos.... It's scary. What if my future self finds them!? She'll be mortified. I can assure you bastards that.

I want this cat so much. You don't even understand how much I need it. It was so cute! He slept on my duvet and that means he's mine... Right?
It must mean that!
I can't wait until I can get a pet. To love. I HAVE SO MUCH LOVE TO GIVE!
...I think that was enough for today. Sayonara.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013


OK this is the scenario. Imagine somebody laughing out loud over something you said online.

Actually laughing.
And then proclaiming they did.

This makes me behave extremely silly. Or should I say awkward... I try to steer away from awkward as best as I can as it is so incredibly... Awkward... To be awkward! ...Fancy that....
Anyway, it's like a reward!
Don't get me wrong, I love hearing about it if I make a funny joke, it's just the fact that they are actually stating the fact that they laughed loudly about something I said.
That definitely puts me on the spot and pressures me into having to be more funny because that is apparently what I am now.
What they don't realise is that they have doomed my funniness.
From then on it's only god-awful jokes, their concept only half-made-up in my head, spouting like weed and spewed out like bug-repellent!
It's a fate worse than death. 

Don't get me wrong, I love hearing about it if I make a funny joke, it's just the fact that I am wired so weirdly I have to be stupid about it.
The end.

Here's a picture of my birthday muffins! Courtesy of Malene, that gorgeous bastard.