I got a new cat! Zelda, her name is. It was terrible to be without a furry friend. Seriously. I can never go back.
I got her back in March.... I just haven't had the cognitive cognitives to update my Diary Blog about it.
She is currently 6 months in 2 days, so she's a young'un! I can't wait for her to get in heat and turning the house upside-down.... Any day now! She is half Maine Coon and half devil. She is in full control of the dog and house already. She is a sly little fucker :D
She likes to sleep on top of my pillow, so I usually fall asleep to a paw or a tail in the face. It's really nice. So sweet. She is such a bundle of energy though. It's so cute! And infuriating.
I named her Zelda. Because it is a badass name. Never tried playing the games so not really named her after that. Not read much from the Fitzgerald either... But I like to be pretentious so let's pretend that's why! :P
She is so cute. The fluffiest butt there ever was! I will take pictures to prove it. Such a fluffy butt.