Yes. I saw this a few hours ago with my beautiful bae (I am a little sorry) Malene and TLDR: I loved it! She loved it too.If we are comparing it to the old one, I actually think they come quite similarly out result-wise.
I didn't focus on it being a "OH MY GAWD THEY MADE AN ALL-GIRLS GROUP, THE SACRILEGE!!! THE SACRILEGE!!! DAMN SJW AND FEMINAZIS!!" at all, even though women are like the plague: better left exterminated. No but honestly, all I saw this as was a remake. Or a retake, really, as the story isn't really the same. They just happen to be women (and awesome ones at that.) All I could think of was the funny characters, the amazing AMAZING Holtzmann -a true favourite- and of course the story. But I'd really like to really rub in that the characters were amazing. Because they were really well written.
It was kind of like the old one, but with a little more spice and a butt load cooler special effects. It wasn't like all the other stereotypical comedy films made these days, it was actually good. I got some good laughs from it! Which is great when you are watching a comedy, honestly.
Just a personal opinion, but there it is.
I am going to summarise now, so spoilers!
I genuinely recommend watching it, so if you wanna see it, don't read below (heh... Heheheh... B-low... Blow...) this!

Anyway, she found her. Her friend turns out to be Sookie (However in this film she changed her name to Abby Yates. You don't fool me, though, Sookie. You are totally on my radar, girl!) Sookie is seen selling the book, because... Wait, she co-wrote the book. I should probably have mentioned that before.
Erin Gilbert wants Sookie to stop selling the book but Sookie is not looking favourably upon the idea as it is a source of income. But then...
Oh shit, I forgot to tell you that Erin Gilbert was approached by a dude that owned the haunted house and was approached by said dude because he found their book online.
So she tells Sookie this and while she does they introduce this weird and THE MOST AWESOME PERSON EVER, Jillian Holtzmann.
They start bullying Erin Gilbert and then she blurts out that the haunted house is haunted and the two get excited and go there. Short story short, they see a ghost. And they freak out. A joyous freakout. Erin Gilbert gets fired because of a film that Sookie puts on YouTube. End of that shit is they all get fired and starts the Ghostbusters. The fourth member, Patty Tolan, is introduced when a creepy dude goes onto the subway tracks and unleashes a ghost, awesome lady runs off to the Ghostbusters and... Yeah, they meet and all that. Love at first sight and that.
This is getting too detailed. I'm going to continue with bullet points.
- They get Thor to be their receptionist
- Ghostbusters gets the subway ghost, but a train smashes into it and sorts their problem out. ...-ish.
- The haunted house is never mentioned again
- Holtz (That is Jillian Holtzmann's nickname, by the way. Holtz.) is making loads of cool shit
- Trying-out-the-shooters-montage
- Trapping a demon-ghost at a metal concert for maximum cred
- Got hailed heroes
- Getting denied by the mayor and branded frauds (sensing a could-be Judas theme here)
- Err, well now my memory is getting a little fuzzy, but I am pretty sure there was an epiphany of sorts in there
- OH YES! Something about ley lines
- Wait no, they are discovering the badguy before that
- THEN the ley lines.
- Oh so then they find the badguy and he kills himself. Bit of a let down you say? Yes. Yes a bit. But then:
- They realise this was a part of his plan after seeing his book (which was, surprise surprise, the book they wrote together, and he, THE HERETIC HAD SCRIBBLED IN IT!!! SCRIBBLED!!! THAT IS LIKE WAY, WAY WORSE THAN DOG EARS!! PEOPLE SHOULD BE EUTHANIZED FOR DOING THAT!!! DOG EARS, I MEAN! SO THERE IS LIKE A WHOLE OTHER LEVEL OF DEATH AND DECAY FOR PEOPLE WHO SCRIBBLE!!!)
- Then Badguy takes over Sookie's body and she tries to kill Holtz and Patty Tolan
- Patty awesome-punches Badguy out of Sookie (giggity)
- Badguy takes over Thor
- Thor goes back to Lair of Doom and releases Deadies
- Awesome engineering lady of extreme coolness makes more stuff they need to try out, another montage-ish-thing. Meanwhile the deadies take over New York while the Ghostbusters are busy not doing their job
- Then they get their arses in gear and a badass fight of doom happens
- Then I feel something else happened but it's been, like 8 hours since I saw it.
- The not-Stay-Puft-marshmallow-man but rather the Ghostbuster's logo comes to life and wrecks New York
- They manage to set off a nuclear bomb inside the Apocalypse machine mr Badguy made which made it into a ghost vacuum cleaner
- Sookie gets grabbed by Not-Stay-Puft and gets sucked into the portal to Deadville
- Erin Gilbert runs in after her
- They come back out
- They get white hair
- Everyone laughs
- Happy ending. (Not that kind of a happy ending, though, you filthy piglet.)

I should be paid for that teaser-hook-whatever-thing there. They owe me. I bet people are running to the cinema in hordes to find out if it humps them or not.
Malene gave it a 9/10 because of some montage before the Big fight of doom! I would give it 9/10 too. Even though it was really really awesome, it wasn't perfect. But it really is a really good film.
Go watch it! Go! Go! Go go go go go!