We have found a new flat!
We can move in 3 weeks time, and I am so fucking chuffed about it!
I can finally say "SAYONARA YA DINGUS!" To a beloved housemate that I definitely never wanted to chuck off a balcony, nor never mentally set fire to.
(I basically just rant throughout this entire post from now on, so... If you'd like to retain your sanity, you probably should stop reading.)
Towels have started disappearing now, as we have started packing down.
I am sure other things have disappeared as well, though not noticed them quite yet.
The towels bug me though.
Favourite housemate is missing a drinking bottle, so I think he has taken my towels hostage as well as a small knife of my other housemate.
No, why would you say that is childish?
That is the epitome of being an adult. Extracting vengeance.
This guy has actively tried to make our last month the worst.
In March this Gentle Soul has torn up signs that we spent time on making (granted, mine wasn't very nice, but still, Erika's was really well done and she clearly spent a lot of time on it. He called it "Bad art" as he tore it off infront of his friends visiting him in the Easter holiday), and actively shirked on his chores. Still, though, Wonder Boy has had the nerve to actually balk at how "dirty the floors are looking" because "I think the dog is shedding more than usual!" and the like.

He has not taken out the paper/cardboard litter, glas and metal trash or gone to the shops with the empty cans and bottles in many months. Like even way before Christmas. Because that is actual real work that would actually allow for a lot more space in the flat. I'm sure he'll deny it and claim he went "yesterday" with like a bag of it or something.

Truly an enchanting creature, this one.
Enchanting like a beautiful flower caught in the first sunlight, still with the morning dew catching the rays. Like a unicorn emerging from a quick swim, shaking its head.
Yes. True beauty in human form this one.
"OCH AYE", the Scots would say, I'm sure: "ACH LOCH SASSENACH HACH!!"
Well I've trailed off slightly. I should probably take that as a sign of "HEY YOU WHINY LITTLE LARGE LADY, STOP TYPING!!" So I will. I take my own advice very well. True story. Actually I very rarely listen to myself, though I probably should. Yes. Listening is only fun when it is about sleep, eating or playing games. I do listen to those.
Right then. Off we go.
The pictures are not mine. I found them on Google searching for "Ugly forest nymph" and "ugly unicorn". I must say Google delivered. Though well crafted.