At first, in Dragon Age 2, I thought we HAD to have this pre-decided character and wouldn't have a say of my own, but no! Joyous times! I love creating characters. It's so much fun. It's probably why I enjoyed the Sims so much.
That, and controlling their every move...
Need to go potty? Oh too bad...
Want to go swimming? Oh I am afraid the ladders suddenly dissappeared....
Would you like to eat? Oh dear what is that little house-box that appeared in the middle of the sitting room trapping the last remaining sim good for?
Errm, I digressed a little. I would never do that by the way.
I am a Nice person.
Regardless of being Nice there are these amazing options in Dragon Age 2 where you can either be helpful, sassy or aggressive. Which is the best thing in the world. My Hawke is sassing everyone. She keeps getting told off for it as well, which makes it even better. I can't stop. It's a condition. The sass is strong in this one. I wish I dared sassing more in real life. Sarcasm is just the best thing to ever having been invented.

Jokes. I don't hate them... I just want to scalp them and wear them.
Perfectly all right hanging out with me, by the way, I don't tend to scalp people the first time I meet them. Maybe the 2nd or 3rd time... But no, not the first.

But then it bugged me so much I had to go to The Black Emporium to the Mirror of Transformation just to get a normal-looking relaxed face off of her.
Bless her. She's probably thinking about stabbing a certain double-crosser in the face... I am really happy with her. I LOVE her big giant ear-things! Big ears are adorable. And of course the red hair.
Orange as a carrot. Love it. Love red hair. I think I've mentioned that enough now, though. Suspecting I've made my point come quite clearly across.
The Origin character also had red hair. However she looked like she had poo smeared under her nose, so I won't post a picture of her. Not happy with her. All though the romance with Alistair's nose was quite good. I enjoyed that. Thoroughly. Alistair even got to join sometimes. It was lovely.

She has properly been there for me, that trooper of mine.
When Dorian broke my heart, she was there, telling me he was just a useless pixel (don't listen to her Dorian. (Iloveyouuuu!!) You are the only person with a moustache I could ever fancy. Majestic bastard.), or when Solas brutally left (that bastard. I love him too.) us to our own devices (YOU KNOW HOW MUCH OF A MISTAKE THAT IS YOU ELFY TWIG, SOLAS!)... She was there. Malene is glorious. I would have imploded without her. Truly.
So I took a picture for her once, that I would like to share here. Because I do not believe being selfish in this depraved world is the way to go about things.
Please, let me show you Solas.
Solas showing skin.
Solas in a crop-top of sorts. (I had to google that term. No idea what "a piece of fabric that does not cover your entire upper body" is even good for. I guess "crop top" is nice and short for that though. Whatever it is good for. Who in their right mind would choose to be cold on their bellies and sweat on their arms? I suppose Reverse T-Shirts would also have been a good nickname. Truly. Think about it. T-shirts are for us knobbers who don't like to be cold on our bellies and not be all sweaty arm-pit.)
I may have trailed off a little again. Solas in a crop-top.
Looking fucking fabulous I might add.
I need to go to sleep... Too much Dragon Age.