We made a little Advent-candle-thing and everything!
I have to say it's looking pretty swell! Apologies for the potatoe quality...
I am so insanely excited about Christmas! I can't wait until vacation times! WIll be so good to see friends and family again! Carina and Frank has got a new puppy, I cannot begin to describe how much I want to see that little thing! And the bastard owners, of course.
And everyone else. Because they are all amazing. Amazingness.
I miss Kristiansand a little.
Not gonna lie. It's close to my <3. Yes, you read me. It is close to my larger than three.
My larger than three is on my left leg, just for your information. I like my left leg. I wouldn't know what to do without it, honestly. Hobble, most likely. I don't care for hobbeling around, myself, I find it a little tedious.
Tedium is not something one should actively seek, is what I say.
I would love, LOVE to do a bad movie night whilst binging on christmas sweets and all sorts of crap. Not literal crap, mind you, but edible stuff that isn't too good for you.
OK. Not like rat poison or cyanide... I went off on a bit of a tangent... Nevermind.
I am very excited for Christmas. As I have mentioned before. I get to see the besties, the beasties, the wilderbeast and Charlie. Actually Charlie passed away, I am sad to say, so will only be the rest of them. I am excited though.
These are snaps from her mommy. I think they are hilarious. Bless her little face. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!