Saturday, 18 July 2015


... In May!
But still, this is valid!

I was still sleeping on an air mattress courteously lent to me by my aunt (thank you, thank you!) up until a few days ago. After a month of sleeping on something that feels like a pee-sheet, I need to leave the moisture be. I am kind of in need of de-moisturization. Totally a thing. Not really. I just like being crude, I'm sorry.

I currently live with a folk high school mate, Erika, and her mate Martin, which is nice. It's like a big giant circle of love. Because why wouldn't a circle be love. Or vice versa.
Getting out of Søgne is kinda nice, but it's good to see the old chums again after all this time. Been too long, in fact.
We got a really nice flat between Carl Berner and Birkelunden and have been jamming all sorts of crap into it. It's amazing.

I also got a cat. Kvikk Lunsj. She is adorable. And totally not as lame as Nuka. She likes to cuddle. I like affectionate things. I miss Nuka though. The little shit. Apparently he likes to cuddle now as well. Which makes me angry. He should have been trained better to know his master. Which is me, of course. And everyone knows. Or should know.

I went home on a bit of a spur of the moment holiday. The first thing my cat does is run out the window, hang out on the roof and then either fall off or jump off it. 5 days it took her to run into a cat trap.
Well. We had the trap a day. So technically it only took her a couple of hours. But, you know. 5 days in the "wilderness". Little shit. Probably totes preggo in the eggo.

Hopefully will get a lot of boat-trips and niceness and possibly crabs, because crabs is the best thing in the world. Woo! Summer! I like summer. A lot. Like a friend.