Friday, 10 April 2015


Maybe I should address not saying a tweedle for 3 months, but I'm not going to.
Instead I am going to talk about life.
Life as we all know it.

That's right, the Sims.
My poor family is going through some troubles. And as I am sure everyone in the world, ever, cares about my Sims family, I don't see any reason at all not to write about them. I want to apologise for the un-screenshotted phone pictures but I was literally too lazy to make screenshots of this.

Anyway this all happened, or should I say, started to happen a time I had my eye on someone else, one of their children. God knows exactly what happened, but all of a sudden Husband and Wife were in the red. No longer on 100, but rather -100. It was a tragedy. Millie (the wife) tried to worry about the relationship, but Thomas would have nothing of it. Basically shouted "DENIED!" in her face. She apologised and apologised. He would have nothing of it.
I decided to go creative and used a potion of Friendship on her, hoping that would ease the blow a little. It helped a fraction, however they still won't even have a normal conversation. Only "getting to know" them and random "Salutes". It is all very strange.

 Millie stays in bed, day and night out of sadness and frustration. I suspect she has got a bit of a depression. Woe is them. What caused their relationship to go the drain like this!?

Words spread fast, and soon the whole neighbourhood found out about their slowly cracking marriage. Rather than worry they gossip. What a cruel, cruel town.
However as the Leader of the Free World, Millie is subjected to a lot of that. Married to a Master Psychic, they have gotten a lot of raised eyebrows in their time. However their love conquered that... Until now!

Thomas started mistreating his children, he neglected them, he fought with them, he gave them the lip, he was a certified asshole.
Then the day of their graduation came.

They were free. Millie wept with joy, proud of her children and their accomplishments, Thomas grumbled a quiet "proud of you" to them.
The children love their mother, but their father? No couldn't stand him. He had changed.
After they got their diplomas their mind were made up. They subsequently kissed their mother's cheek and gave their father the stink-eye and moved out.

The reason for why he had changed is still a mystery, however a strange blue glow has been observed around him at weird times...

So an obvious solution, I figured, was to bring in Millie's ex-husband and some of their kids into the house. I mean if Thomas really wanted a bit of a challenge, then I will give it to him.

To be continued...?

Edit: Not to be continued! I found the reason why! HIS PROFESSION! He was a master Psychic or whatever the English version of that thing is, and apparently that makes a lot of people hate you! Amazing! So I made him quit his job and their love life is back to normal! They did their woohoo's and after he wet himself. Casual Wednesday....