It's New Year's Eve! A whole year of whatever it was the year before! Well not really, but mostly. I lead an interesting life. Speaking of lives, my life is lost to Dragon Age: Inquisition. I am a little bit addicted. It is so good. I want to spend my life playing it. Actually, playing games in general. I would love to have that as a job. I am hireable! Please hire me!
Uh.. Yeah.
Not really. But it would be awesome.
Right, back on-topic, New Year's Eve! Woohoo! New year, new possibilities! Hopefully we will get our Youtube series actually on Youtube this year! We have been working together for almost a year now, this summer. Which is good! We've had our ups and downs like most groups do at times, but I am really hoping we'll get back into action after new year!
I really like those dudes. Wonderful people.
I really hope everyone I know have the best year to come! And get amazing opportunities! And meet amazing new people! Or old people. One must not discriminate.
It would also be nice if Trump doesn't get elected.
As a side note.
I feel like that is side-note-worthy.
Future self insight: You can stick those hopes up your arse, Past Self.
Peace, love, tolerance, respect and solidarity! And all those good words to you! 💛🎉
Thursday, 31 December 2015
4th Sunday of Advent
Yeah... Ok. So I forgot to make a post on the day. #Fail and all that.
So Christmas was nice! Was nice having some time away from Oslo and away from everything. Been quite nice. What HASN'T been nice, however, is cleaning up pee from Cat most of it. She has been extreme. Extreme. 3-4 times wetting the sofa on Christmas Eve alone. I will repeat that, 3-4 times on Christmas Eve alone. I would strangle her if I didn't love the little shit.
So Christmas was nice! Was nice having some time away from Oslo and away from everything. Been quite nice. What HASN'T been nice, however, is cleaning up pee from Cat most of it. She has been extreme. Extreme. 3-4 times wetting the sofa on Christmas Eve alone. I will repeat that, 3-4 times on Christmas Eve alone. I would strangle her if I didn't love the little shit.
Monday, 14 December 2015
3rd Sunday of Advent
Kitty is gone!
I sent her to my sister so she could take her with her to my aunt who will drive back to Søgne. It's only 5 days, but it will be torture! I miss my little baby allready! My darling little diva.
She is such a little brat. Here's some pictures of her. The two on the table is taken by Erika.
The one on the bottom was taken by me. You can clearly see who is the most skilled photographer. (Hint: It's me. :P)

You can probably see why I keep calling her a diva. She is one.

Anyway, I am going back to Søgne on Friday, I am looking very much forward to that. Will be nice with a little time off as I have been sick for a week now. Well been having this cold since October, I am kind of sick of it (no pun intended, but was a rather happy accident).
It will be so nice to see family and friends again. Not seen them since July now. Well family at least. Had Carina, Frank and Malene here a couple of times, so has been very nice. Carina and Frank also got a dog called Loke, which is awesome. I can't wait to meet him! Apparently he's a freaking tornado, taking example from the Tasmanian Devil from the Looney Tunes. Nice.
I am looking so much forward to meet the little devil (again, pun not intended).
I hate that I posted this too late for it being Sunday. #Fail. I hate it. I want to turn back time 2 minutes. My OCD (disclaimer: I don't actually have OCD. I do not know the very real struggles of OCD nor will I (hopefully) ever. I apologise to the afflicted for using your.. Affliction as attempted humour) is revving up and getting in to the highest gear. Holy shit. It is crazy up in here.
Seriously though. It's bugging me above average.
With that I wish you a Merry Christmas. Have a great week!
I sent her to my sister so she could take her with her to my aunt who will drive back to Søgne. It's only 5 days, but it will be torture! I miss my little baby allready! My darling little diva.
She is such a little brat. Here's some pictures of her. The two on the table is taken by Erika.
The one on the bottom was taken by me. You can clearly see who is the most skilled photographer. (Hint: It's me. :P)
You can probably see why I keep calling her a diva. She is one.
Anyway, I am going back to Søgne on Friday, I am looking very much forward to that. Will be nice with a little time off as I have been sick for a week now. Well been having this cold since October, I am kind of sick of it (no pun intended, but was a rather happy accident).
It will be so nice to see family and friends again. Not seen them since July now. Well family at least. Had Carina, Frank and Malene here a couple of times, so has been very nice. Carina and Frank also got a dog called Loke, which is awesome. I can't wait to meet him! Apparently he's a freaking tornado, taking example from the Tasmanian Devil from the Looney Tunes. Nice.
I am looking so much forward to meet the little devil (again, pun not intended).
I hate that I posted this too late for it being Sunday. #Fail. I hate it. I want to turn back time 2 minutes. My OCD (disclaimer: I don't actually have OCD. I do not know the very real struggles of OCD nor will I (hopefully) ever. I apologise to the afflicted for using your.. Affliction as attempted humour) is revving up and getting in to the highest gear. Holy shit. It is crazy up in here.
Seriously though. It's bugging me above average.
With that I wish you a Merry Christmas. Have a great week!
Sunday, 6 December 2015
2nd Sunday of Advent
It's the second Sunday of Advent.
Christmas is closing in like a carcrash on tiny little Christmas Eve. (Look it up. This is statistically correct, noted from a single article from four years ago! Probably not outdated. No. Probably not.)
Anyway, I started a catlendar on Twitter (because I am basically just a stereotype of a crazy old cat lady now.) since last time, and have been extremely active.... Or about as active as the general snail.
I have got bedbugs providing for me now, because of my activity levels.
I don't actually have bedbugs. Ew.
That is not a laughing matter. Bedbugs are very real and very gross.
I would not mention having bedbugs had I actually had bedbugs.
I have some pride. A lot of pride in fact. A pride of kittens.
Look it up, it's very real.
I would like my very own pride someday. A pride of Maria's. I will use the way of the cell and procreate like a mofo.
We will slowly take over the world, bit by bit, everyone changing into me!
...Of course this is all just talk.
Merry Christmas!
Christmas is closing in like a carcrash on tiny little Christmas Eve. (Look it up. This is statistically correct, noted from a single article from four years ago! Probably not outdated. No. Probably not.)
Anyway, I started a catlendar on Twitter (because I am basically just a stereotype of a crazy old cat lady now.) since last time, and have been extremely active.... Or about as active as the general snail.
I have got bedbugs providing for me now, because of my activity levels.

That is not a laughing matter. Bedbugs are very real and very gross.
I would not mention having bedbugs had I actually had bedbugs.
I have some pride. A lot of pride in fact. A pride of kittens.
Look it up, it's very real.
I would like my very own pride someday. A pride of Maria's. I will use the way of the cell and procreate like a mofo.
We will slowly take over the world, bit by bit, everyone changing into me!
...Of course this is all just talk.
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, 29 November 2015
1st Sunday of Advent
IT'S CHRISTMAS!!! WOOOOO!!!! Been blasting Christmas music since yesterday and eating All Teh Sweets! It is so nice with Christmas! I love it! Love it!
We made a little Advent-candle-thing and everything!
I have to say it's looking pretty swell! Apologies for the potatoe quality...
I am so insanely excited about Christmas! I can't wait until vacation times! WIll be so good to see friends and family again! Carina and Frank has got a new puppy, I cannot begin to describe how much I want to see that little thing! And the bastard owners, of course.
And everyone else. Because they are all amazing. Amazingness.
I miss Kristiansand a little.
Not gonna lie. It's close to my <3. Yes, you read me. It is close to my larger than three.
My larger than three is on my left leg, just for your information. I like my left leg. I wouldn't know what to do without it, honestly. Hobble, most likely. I don't care for hobbeling around, myself, I find it a little tedious.
Tedium is not something one should actively seek, is what I say.
I would love, LOVE to do a bad movie night whilst binging on christmas sweets and all sorts of crap. Not literal crap, mind you, but edible stuff that isn't too good for you.
OK. Not like rat poison or cyanide... I went off on a bit of a tangent... Nevermind.
I am very excited for Christmas. As I have mentioned before. I get to see the besties, the beasties, the wilderbeast and Charlie. Actually Charlie passed away, I am sad to say, so will only be the rest of them. I am excited though.
Oh Cat and Dog are still not getting along. Cat keeps close tabs on Dog and Dog just wants to play. Bless. Dog has gotten her first period as well, which is nice. No, it's actually kinda hilarious. She has got the funniest pants on... Well they are black. So you can't see them very well. But it's very funny.
These are snaps from her mommy. I think they are hilarious. Bless her little face. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
We made a little Advent-candle-thing and everything!
I have to say it's looking pretty swell! Apologies for the potatoe quality...
I am so insanely excited about Christmas! I can't wait until vacation times! WIll be so good to see friends and family again! Carina and Frank has got a new puppy, I cannot begin to describe how much I want to see that little thing! And the bastard owners, of course.
And everyone else. Because they are all amazing. Amazingness.
I miss Kristiansand a little.
Not gonna lie. It's close to my <3. Yes, you read me. It is close to my larger than three.
My larger than three is on my left leg, just for your information. I like my left leg. I wouldn't know what to do without it, honestly. Hobble, most likely. I don't care for hobbeling around, myself, I find it a little tedious.
Tedium is not something one should actively seek, is what I say.
I would love, LOVE to do a bad movie night whilst binging on christmas sweets and all sorts of crap. Not literal crap, mind you, but edible stuff that isn't too good for you.
OK. Not like rat poison or cyanide... I went off on a bit of a tangent... Nevermind.
I am very excited for Christmas. As I have mentioned before. I get to see the besties, the beasties, the wilderbeast and Charlie. Actually Charlie passed away, I am sad to say, so will only be the rest of them. I am excited though.
These are snaps from her mommy. I think they are hilarious. Bless her little face. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Friday, 6 November 2015
Saturday, 17 October 2015
An Ode to Woolen Socks.
So as the year has slowly, yet rapidly progressed, there is one constant I have been without. A constant in my life I have yet to touch, to cradle in my weirdly long and stick-ish toes, woolen socks.
I miss my woollen socks.
All of 'em.
I can't begin to describe the pure bliss of just smacking on a pair of them and stroll around like a fucking boss. Because that is what you become.
Woollen socks make you a boss.
A champion.
A winner.
The top dog.
Number one.
The victor.
The wo/man.
Hell yeah! What's not to love!?
I miss them. Woollen socks, man. Woollen socks.
Yeah. This was written like a week/two weeks ago, my mind was ridden with madness from not having super-warm feet. This is my mind, dudes.
My sanity has probably knit itself a warm and cosy area in my brain where it hangs out. Impenetrable by all outside forces. That's wool for ya. Impenetrable from the outside. They should make bullet-proof vests out of it. Otherwise known as "vests".
Take my word for it. I know what I am talking about.
I should mention my feet are now cloaked by the delicious wool my forefathers made. From the deepest valleys to the highest mountains, the sheep grassed and grew stronger and more powerful wool than anyone could have anticipated. Little did they know that as their wool grew stronger so did they. They soon took to underground laboratories and made nuclear weapons in order to defend themselves, and soon colonized the entire north of Norway, Sweden, most of Finland and a bit of Russia. They bred into a new breed of sheep called DooMSHEEP:
"Definitely out of Malice, Sheep Hastily Eating Electric Plugs". As you can tell, they don't particularly care for Electric Plugs for some reason. Or maybe they like them a little too much? I guess that is one of those things we'll never really know the answer to.
There have been biologists tracking these sheep down and only one has successfully come back with photographic evidence:
Don't they look Ba-ad?
I am not sorry.
Anyway, the ol' ancestors figured out a way to harvest their wool somehow. They stored it in the family Vault/Bunker of Riches, which my family has taken stuff out of for as long as we have kept track of. It's a pretty big vault. Not gonna lie. Well, the socks they made from this wool was so soft and so good at not sucking that they have knitted them for generations. We have a apretty good history of not getting shot where it matters because of it. Which is nice. Nobody wants a toe-less day-to-day existence. The grammar there was flawless.
The socks have been restored now, however.
I am enjoying the sense of safeness now.
I can finally go out and kick people again. I am so happy.
I miss my woollen socks.
All of 'em.
I can't begin to describe the pure bliss of just smacking on a pair of them and stroll around like a fucking boss. Because that is what you become.
Woollen socks make you a boss.
A champion.
A winner.
The top dog.
Number one.
The victor.
The wo/man.
Hell yeah! What's not to love!?
I miss them. Woollen socks, man. Woollen socks.
Yeah. This was written like a week/two weeks ago, my mind was ridden with madness from not having super-warm feet. This is my mind, dudes.
My sanity has probably knit itself a warm and cosy area in my brain where it hangs out. Impenetrable by all outside forces. That's wool for ya. Impenetrable from the outside. They should make bullet-proof vests out of it. Otherwise known as "vests".
Take my word for it. I know what I am talking about.
I should mention my feet are now cloaked by the delicious wool my forefathers made. From the deepest valleys to the highest mountains, the sheep grassed and grew stronger and more powerful wool than anyone could have anticipated. Little did they know that as their wool grew stronger so did they. They soon took to underground laboratories and made nuclear weapons in order to defend themselves, and soon colonized the entire north of Norway, Sweden, most of Finland and a bit of Russia. They bred into a new breed of sheep called DooMSHEEP:
"Definitely out of Malice, Sheep Hastily Eating Electric Plugs". As you can tell, they don't particularly care for Electric Plugs for some reason. Or maybe they like them a little too much? I guess that is one of those things we'll never really know the answer to.
There have been biologists tracking these sheep down and only one has successfully come back with photographic evidence:
Don't they look Ba-ad?
I am not sorry.
Anyway, the ol' ancestors figured out a way to harvest their wool somehow. They stored it in the family Vault/Bunker of Riches, which my family has taken stuff out of for as long as we have kept track of. It's a pretty big vault. Not gonna lie. Well, the socks they made from this wool was so soft and so good at not sucking that they have knitted them for generations. We have a apretty good history of not getting shot where it matters because of it. Which is nice. Nobody wants a toe-less day-to-day existence. The grammar there was flawless.
The socks have been restored now, however.
I am enjoying the sense of safeness now.
I can finally go out and kick people again. I am so happy.
Saturday, 18 July 2015
... In May!
But still, this is valid!
I was still sleeping on an air mattress courteously lent to me by my aunt (thank you, thank you!) up until a few days ago. After a month of sleeping on something that feels like a pee-sheet, I need to leave the moisture be. I am kind of in need of de-moisturization. Totally a thing. Not really. I just like being crude, I'm sorry.
I currently live with a folk high school mate, Erika, and her mate Martin, which is nice. It's like a big giant circle of love. Because why wouldn't a circle be love. Or vice versa.
Getting out of Søgne is kinda nice, but it's good to see the old chums again after all this time. Been too long, in fact.
We got a really nice flat between Carl Berner and Birkelunden and have been jamming all sorts of crap into it. It's amazing.
I also got a cat. Kvikk Lunsj. She is adorable. And totally not as lame as Nuka. She likes to cuddle. I like affectionate things. I miss Nuka though. The little shit. Apparently he likes to cuddle now as well. Which makes me angry. He should have been trained better to know his master. Which is me, of course. And everyone knows. Or should know.
I went home on a bit of a spur of the moment holiday. The first thing my cat does is run out the window, hang out on the roof and then either fall off or jump off it. 5 days it took her to run into a cat trap.
Well. We had the trap a day. So technically it only took her a couple of hours. But, you know. 5 days in the "wilderness". Little shit. Probably totes preggo in the eggo.
Hopefully will get a lot of boat-trips and niceness and possibly crabs, because crabs is the best thing in the world. Woo! Summer! I like summer. A lot. Like a friend.
But still, this is valid!
I was still sleeping on an air mattress courteously lent to me by my aunt (thank you, thank you!) up until a few days ago. After a month of sleeping on something that feels like a pee-sheet, I need to leave the moisture be. I am kind of in need of de-moisturization. Totally a thing. Not really. I just like being crude, I'm sorry.
I currently live with a folk high school mate, Erika, and her mate Martin, which is nice. It's like a big giant circle of love. Because why wouldn't a circle be love. Or vice versa.
Getting out of Søgne is kinda nice, but it's good to see the old chums again after all this time. Been too long, in fact.
We got a really nice flat between Carl Berner and Birkelunden and have been jamming all sorts of crap into it. It's amazing.
I also got a cat. Kvikk Lunsj. She is adorable. And totally not as lame as Nuka. She likes to cuddle. I like affectionate things. I miss Nuka though. The little shit. Apparently he likes to cuddle now as well. Which makes me angry. He should have been trained better to know his master. Which is me, of course. And everyone knows. Or should know.
I went home on a bit of a spur of the moment holiday. The first thing my cat does is run out the window, hang out on the roof and then either fall off or jump off it. 5 days it took her to run into a cat trap.
Well. We had the trap a day. So technically it only took her a couple of hours. But, you know. 5 days in the "wilderness". Little shit. Probably totes preggo in the eggo.
Hopefully will get a lot of boat-trips and niceness and possibly crabs, because crabs is the best thing in the world. Woo! Summer! I like summer. A lot. Like a friend.
Friday, 10 April 2015
Maybe I should address not saying a tweedle for 3 months, but I'm not going to.
Instead I am going to talk about life.
Life as we all know it.
That's right, the Sims.
My poor family is going through some troubles. And as I am sure everyone in the world, ever, cares about my Sims family, I don't see any reason at all not to write about them. I want to apologise for the un-screenshotted phone pictures but I was literally too lazy to make screenshots of this.
Anyway this all happened, or should I say, started to happen a time I had my eye on someone else, one of their children. God knows exactly what happened, but all of a sudden Husband and Wife were in the red. No longer on 100, but rather -100. It was a tragedy. Millie (the wife) tried to worry about the relationship, but Thomas would have nothing of it. Basically shouted "DENIED!" in her face. She apologised and apologised. He would have nothing of it.
I decided to go creative and used a potion of Friendship on her, hoping that would ease the blow a little. It helped a fraction, however they still won't even have a normal conversation. Only "getting to know" them and random "Salutes". It is all very strange.
Millie stays in bed, day and night out of sadness and frustration. I suspect she has got a bit of a depression. Woe is them. What caused their relationship to go the drain like this!?
Words spread fast, and soon the whole neighbourhood found out about their slowly cracking marriage. Rather than worry they gossip. What a cruel, cruel town.
However as the Leader of the Free World, Millie is subjected to a lot of that. Married to a Master Psychic, they have gotten a lot of raised eyebrows in their time. However their love conquered that... Until now!
Thomas started mistreating his children, he neglected them, he fought with them, he gave them the lip, he was a certified asshole.
Then the day of their graduation came.
They were free. Millie wept with joy, proud of her children and their accomplishments, Thomas grumbled a quiet "proud of you" to them.
The children love their mother, but their father? No couldn't stand him. He had changed.
After they got their diplomas their mind were made up. They subsequently kissed their mother's cheek and gave their father the stink-eye and moved out.
The reason for why he had changed is still a mystery, however a strange blue glow has been observed around him at weird times...
So an obvious solution, I figured, was to bring in Millie's ex-husband and some of their kids into the house. I mean if Thomas really wanted a bit of a challenge, then I will give it to him.
To be continued...?
Edit: Not to be continued! I found the reason why! HIS PROFESSION! He was a master Psychic or whatever the English version of that thing is, and apparently that makes a lot of people hate you! Amazing! So I made him quit his job and their love life is back to normal! They did their woohoo's and after he wet himself. Casual Wednesday....
Instead I am going to talk about life.
Life as we all know it.
That's right, the Sims.
My poor family is going through some troubles. And as I am sure everyone in the world, ever, cares about my Sims family, I don't see any reason at all not to write about them. I want to apologise for the un-screenshotted phone pictures but I was literally too lazy to make screenshots of this.
I decided to go creative and used a potion of Friendship on her, hoping that would ease the blow a little. It helped a fraction, however they still won't even have a normal conversation. Only "getting to know" them and random "Salutes". It is all very strange.
Millie stays in bed, day and night out of sadness and frustration. I suspect she has got a bit of a depression. Woe is them. What caused their relationship to go the drain like this!?
Words spread fast, and soon the whole neighbourhood found out about their slowly cracking marriage. Rather than worry they gossip. What a cruel, cruel town.
However as the Leader of the Free World, Millie is subjected to a lot of that. Married to a Master Psychic, they have gotten a lot of raised eyebrows in their time. However their love conquered that... Until now!
Thomas started mistreating his children, he neglected them, he fought with them, he gave them the lip, he was a certified asshole.
They were free. Millie wept with joy, proud of her children and their accomplishments, Thomas grumbled a quiet "proud of you" to them.
The children love their mother, but their father? No couldn't stand him. He had changed.
After they got their diplomas their mind were made up. They subsequently kissed their mother's cheek and gave their father the stink-eye and moved out.
So an obvious solution, I figured, was to bring in Millie's ex-husband and some of their kids into the house. I mean if Thomas really wanted a bit of a challenge, then I will give it to him.
To be continued...?
Edit: Not to be continued! I found the reason why! HIS PROFESSION! He was a master Psychic or whatever the English version of that thing is, and apparently that makes a lot of people hate you! Amazing! So I made him quit his job and their love life is back to normal! They did their woohoo's and after he wet himself. Casual Wednesday....
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