So, thanks to Alun and Malene I have finally sorted out this blasted church business! It turned out to be the Church of Music after all. Even though I said "no, I'm not that silly, haha, lawl". It turns out I am.
As well as the name for the cottage. The Blind Logstacker! Thank you Alun!
I finished it maybe a week ago, but I just haven't really got around to bragging about it. Yeah let's face it. It's bragging. I am a dirty filthy braggaholic. My name is Maria. I am a braggaholic. Braggaholic is totally a word, by the way.
...You don't want to know how many red lines there are so far in this post...
Moving on.
This is the new stuff. To the left is the Fisherman's Friend cabin. Not the cough drops. The big white and gray building is the church. I can clearly not spell gray right as there is a big red line under it. My spell check is telling me off. WHY SPELL CHECK?? IS GREY BETTER? It is. It is better. There is no red line.

The church, I think, could look better. But there's too much effort in changing them, so unless I get horribly bored I probably won't change it.
I had a lot of fun making the confession booth. "I'm sorry Father I have sinned. It has been a year since my last confession... I... I have been listening to Lady Gaga... On repeat."
"YOU WHAT!? The God of Rock forgives you. You need to listen to the entire album of Led Zeppelin III and two random songs of The Beatles."

The Graveyard, however, I'm really proud of. I originally wanted it to be dark, sad, desolate, overgrown and so on, but then it came out like this. And wading through a horde of skeletons would only prove a bit of a struggle when going into the mine (the mausoleum in the back-left, there), so I ditched it. I also considered putting names on the graves using signs, but that felt too morbid.
The map has changed something fierce as well. I have a massive boner (full stop.
Wink wink, nudge nudge.) for maps, so I thought I could add a picture of the difference. The left is old, the right is new. I really like seeing the world change from "above".
Then, by suggestion of Alun, I built a fishing hut. I called it The Fisherman's Friend. (Not the cough drops.)

I thought it was a great idea. The thought of a semi-abandoned cottage in the slight outskirts of a place appealed. And kind of axe-murder-y. Herobrine isn't creepy enough, apparently. I kind of wish Herobrine was in the game. It would be kind of cool to suddenly lay the wall of China in your living room just because you suddenly discovered that there is actually a face looking at you in the corner of your screen. I wonder who came up with that whole idea. It must be pretty awesome to come up with an urban legend. Like Slender Man. Holy shit, that person must be revelling in all the creepy-pasta (WHY IS IT CALLED CREEPY PASTA!? WHAT DOES PASTA HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING!?!? I DO NOT COMPREHEND WHAT FOOD HAS TO DO WITH MADE-UP STORIES APART FROM WHEN THE CHARACTERS EAT IT!!) that is happening around it all. In my head this person is standing in a dark room hovering over his computer, the only light source is the screen and he cackles maniacally. "I have created a nightmare", s/he says, let's call him/her Peony, Peony says whilst skimming through the next creepy-pasta (I DO NOT ENJOY USING THOSE WORDS TOGETHER!!). The details grow like a garden-weed whilst Peony tap his/her fingers together maliciously. This has a life of its own now. However Peony breathes life into it occasionally when it threatens to die down. Because Peony is a sadistic asshole who deserves a little slap. In the face. With a sledgehammer. Of foam <3
I have digressed. But that's OK, because I've finished yappin'.