Yeah. I know I know.
I just really like playing Minecraft. And I don't have a life. So-uh... You know how it is. This is my life now. I am Minecraft.
Anyway. I am going to ask for a little help from my friends now on the big crazy interwebz, as I'm having a bit of a dillemma.

I am going to build a church-like thing with a graveyard and stuff around it. But I don't know where to build it!
So let's try this thing.
OK. I built two box-thing-churches because I can't decide where to put it.
I put some podzol where I intend to have the graveyard so it's fairly easy to estimate from where I stuffed the outlines of the churches.
First location: This will be a fairly small church, and it will be kinda cramped in very close to the garden where I have all the vegetables. I don't think the location is too too ideal, but I WILL be able to build a crypt in here that will look natural and won't need to be dug out too much. The church-thing won't be too big either, but that's OK. The graveyard (podzol/brown crap) will look sort of cool as it is in levels too.
Second location: I think this might be a more ideal location, however it looks a little weird and kind of out of place, but there is a lot more space to play with and it won't look too cramped. The graveyard will look flatter and not too crazy. Which will be easier to build on. However, I really do like the idea of having a crypt. And I am not too sure it will look too good under there. I don't know.
Anyway, I have built a couple of new things. That I'd like to show off. Because that is my nature. Totally a show-off. They're not even that great. That's the best part.

So I built a toilet. Thanks to the suggestion of a friend of mine.
Unfortunately though, there was a gas-leak in there. It left it in a dangerous state and also attracted a frightening amount of zombies. It's hard to say why, but that's how it is.
If anyone want to suggest a name for my cabin, as well, please feel free! I am all about the audience participation today. What a wild child.
Then I built a gazebo. I thought the little hilltop looked so bare and thought a vantage point would be cool. I am not sure about the roof at all, though. It looks a little strange. But I don't care about that at the moment. However I should probably fix things before I build new things.... But I won't... Colon, capital p.

Before I changed to my new computer, I started building this greenhouse. It's too small. But I thought it would be cool to have one of those overgrown-like little botanical garden-ish places. They always seem so cosy and kind of mysterious and full of fun stuff to discover!
Well, that was enough showing off for me. I'm hoping for some help, here, that would be really awesome! I can't wait to start building now!